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8 ahaha
don't have a b**ty
flip phone can't remember what it was
no clue
No sorry
look to be completely honest she has changed ever since she moved. We definitely aren't close anymore & it never seems like she has time for me. She will always be a friend but I guess getting a boyfriend and moving to a different town and meeting new people made me a second option..
learn how to spell
Makeup, clothes, alcohol & smokes :p
Doesn't phase me
Kim Kardashian
haven't even thought that far ahead
comfy ones
when I go swimming yeah
Name? Aha I have a few adds
um sad?
um probably 5 or whatever, didn't have to worry about much
Don't know
Some of the topics they teach in Maths, half of it is pointless and confusing
I would never bend over in front of you
Swallow because it's polite
awkward because I didn't have *ex last weekend, nor do I have a boyfriend hahahaha
What b**ty?
Did I drop something?
A lot of things
I'm single
Don't touch drugs
maddie* :p and normal stuff I guess. But I already have a guy.
To be wanted by someone. Unfortunately not yet.
mad kid, I was pretty drunk when I met you so yeah
I miss a lot of people I used to be close to. But if they don't make an effort why should I? :)
His a cutie, so nice and caring
Ferrari deffs
No you are on anonymous
His alright
Love her, she's so fun to be around and just a top chick in general
Can't even remember
I don't know, boys are ****
Obviously not because you're on anonymous
20 haha never really thought about it tbh
got drunk
My family
His nice
His so nice, super funny and good to drink with
His a cutie, super nice :)
Depends how much younger
I did, I don't know how I feel anymore
Got it from my mummmaaa
Harley, Jayme, Shannon, Jake and Kevin.
Being alone
Someone amazing
His an as*
Bad breath, smells, **** personality
Used to be close as, his really nice and attractive
Because I left school & she lives in a different town.. But that's mean! She's gorgeous!
$7.94 :p
Dat ain't my problem
Best friend, gorgeous
Funniest guy, good friend, super nice and good to hang and talk to :)
Hahahaha wow
Good friend, heaps nice.. Miss chilling with him too
Maybe like 28
Yes for sure xx
Ugh he treats me like absolute ****, he means nothing to me anymore
His a good friend, heaps nice and funny.
Gorgeous, miss our chills! So nice! Cutest little girl!
they seem really nice I don't really talk to them but.. They are gorgeous tho
I consider him a good friend, his so nice and always been there for me! We've had so many funny memories together but he thinks his tough ;) miss him tho
Nice, funny as, attractive and good to talk to. :)
Heaps nice, good guy! Hardly know you that well so I can't say that much
I could write a whole book about him! His so amazing, such a lovely guy! His a big part of my life now and he makes me so happy! His so kind and caring and so fun to be around! His a cutie and I honestly don't know what I'd do without him! :-) :-)
Thank you so much :)
My last inboxs are from josh, james, Millie, Braden and Ryan our conversations are too long & I cbfed writing them
You're gorgeous! So nice such a lovely girl! Fun to be around xx