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Maddie Watson


Ask or tell me anything you like

66 Replies

Who told you they loved you last

Someone who ended up hurting me the most

maddiewatsonn replied 3648 days ago


**** da haterz

maddiewatsonn replied 3659 days ago

The last thing you bought ?

Shoes! xD

maddiewatsonn replied 3660 days ago

Can everyone just back off the situation and leave the girls to sort it out themselves? By trying to get it involved you guys are making it worse than it needs to be. And it's not of your business anyway. .Neesh

Thank you! They actually don't realise how little they're helping the situation! This isn't making it any better!

maddiewatsonn replied 3660 days ago

Yeah but I don't really have anything worth confronting you about. Wheras you and kathrine could have sorted it out if you went up to her face which im pretty sure is what she wanted and tried to do.

Well you're kind of confronting me about this.. But she hasn't tried to talk to me face to face in fact she hasn't tried over social network either, so it doesn't seem like she wants it sorted..! And why does it have to be me the one that goes up to her, why can't she try for once?

maddiewatsonn replied 3660 days ago

Neither of you can talk about bringing up things face to face.

Neither can you lol, after all you're the one hiding behind an anonymous name! Hahahah

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

I'm pretty sure she was hanging out with the boys when you started acting like a little ***** to her. You're literally contradicting what you're saying by saying you might be putting on a happy face because Katherine may well be doing that too

When was I acting like a little ***** to her? Why do you have to keep going on about this? She's happy with her boyfriend now so why do you have to keep dragging this on when there's no need to, if she has something to say I'm sure she'll speak to me so I don't understand why you're doing it for her? Plus there's also the fact that you're adding stuff that isn't even true! So I'd get my facts straight before I start making assumptions

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

If anyone has anything to say to anyone do it to their face, and maddie hasnt turned anyone against anybody, dont make assumptions Laursmed

No one even does face to face anymore. It's kinda pathetic doing it on an anonymous name if you think about it! Now they'll probably think I put you up to writing this on my ahahahaha

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago 1

How do you know she was fine after your fight? U never asked her or talked to her afterwards. Do u think that maybe the whole situation between Katherine, u and Lauren has made her feel like **** because u two are just victimising her and pushing her away.

Because when I saw her around school she was happy hanging around with the guys.. Don't you think it's made us feel like s**t too? I mean we did lose a friend too why not see how we're going, we may be putting on a happy face but that doesn't mean that we've moved on or feel any better than she does.. Uh we're not victimising her nor pushing her away, I haven't spoken to her in weeks so how can I be victimising her? She kind of distanced herself away from our friendship group when she started hanging out with the boys and that happened before all of this happened

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

I thought Lauren and Katherine were good friends but it seems now that ur not friends with Katherine, you've turned Lauren against her

I've done nothing to turn Lauren against Katherine, in fact when they were still friends I never thought of doing anything to ruin their friendship! That was actually the doing of Daniel because he dobbed Lauren into doing something she didn't actually do and then Katherine went off at Lauren, don't believe me ask Lauren yourself!

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

And very true to what the other person said, if you aren't the one causing all the drama and being an ***hole to Katherine then why is it you're all smiles and an incredibly annoying laugh and she's the one crying, being sad and feeling alone

Wow. Probably because of the arguement she had with Lauren over the weekend? I dunno but she was fine after our fight so what makes you think that it's automatically me causing her grief? They're fight was pretty intense so thats probably what she's upset about and how is she alone? To me she seems quite happy around her boyfriend..

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago 1

You have made a little cult, you are pissed off that your ex best friend and your ex boyfriend like each other and that they are going out . You're the one that should have a good hard look at yourself for being a little condescending little twat

Wow are we still going on about the 'cult' thing? My god way to drag it on. Lol you could not be more wrong! I'm not pissed at them, good on them I'm glad they're happy together! Why should I take a hard look? I've done nothing wrong, we had a fight and now we're not friends anyone? That happens all the time why does it make ours any different? And how am I being condescending?

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

You've barely tried to make things up with Katherine, she's said in the past that she's wanted to talk to you but it's hard when you give her daggers each time she walks past, you've done nothing but push people away and ***** about them behind their backs

How would you know that!? I've actually tried to make a mend but it got nowhere and actually she was the one who ended the conversation and I have messages to prove it. I have not given her daggers, wth we barely even make eye contact so how can I 'dagger' her? i do not push people away nor ***** about them behind their backs, just goes to show how much you know me

maddiewatsonn replied 3661 days ago

What do you think is the most useless class in high school?

Majority of the topics studied in maths are useless to a lot of people

maddiewatsonn replied 3662 days ago

Well there has to be someone who will/can stick up for Katherine, I don't think she would be crying at school if she was the one making all the drama

Well good, I'm not saying there shouldn't be but I don't like this either, I'd rather you all just leave it for us to sort out ourselves, which it was until someone got involved nd started more sh*t. I'm sorry that she's crying at school but that is not my fault, I've tried to make up with her but she gave me nothing to work with so it went nowhere

maddiewatsonn replied 3663 days ago