Maddison Smith
Who do you envy and why ?
People who eat chicken nuggets everyday.
Lots of people are being rude to you
Who is being rude to me?
if you had no fat you would be dead it keeps you alive and your beautiful with heaps of it or not much
Who is this?
A body part you think you could do without ?
What Would You Do If You Woke Up The Opposite Gender ?
What any female would do if they woke up a male. ;)
What kind of a question is that?
Um what?
Would you travel to Mars if you knew you cannot come back?
What's your favourite word or phrase ?
Ha Gotchya
I'm so sorry I bothered you with my silly **** before, I'm the one that ****s around in class and I'll probs fail year 10.
You always **** around in class have fun in year 10
Who is this?
The last thing you bought ?
You act like a ****head in class
Are you in my class?
What do you think is the most useless class in high school?
There's a few.
A memory you want to forget ?
What is your nickname ?
Sophie calls me luscious as*.
Dream holiday destination ?
What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?
What does your perfect day look like?
Being with all my friends.
Do you like a bargain?
Do you want to know a story about bargains?
Well I'm going to share the story with you anyway.
So today I went to the supermarket and we saw a little packet of maltesers for $5 then we found a big box for $4.90 so we got the big box
So I do like a bargain.
Real friends the ones you have won't be there for long!!! And no wonder!!
Why do you say that?
What have you always wanted ? Did you ever get it ?
Real friends and yes.
Deliberate use of misspellings stupid mutt she just can't stop causing ****!!
Am I a stupid mutt or Lillian?
Deliberate sick *****
I wrote all that stuff on your qooh saying I ditch u because I don't like u :')
This isn't Lillian because if it were she would of been able to spell her own name right before.
Makeup looks good on u
This is Lily and I got busted
Lilly* and how did you get busted?
Thoughts on yourself
I'm a girl, what are your thoughts on me?
Thoughts on Jess bateman Olivia partridge kelsey O'Neill sophir chitick Lily thomas caitlyn Collinz Abbie macgregor and ebony smith
Love them all so much. Your thoughts on them?
3 Bestfriends on snapchat
Snapchat name
di you wear makeup x
Sometimes why?
Yeah its me Lily got busted ehehe
What do you mean it's you and Lilly got busted?
I reckon it's lilly writing all this sh*t!!! Too many deliberate mistakes with spelling and just general grammar!!! Sick b*tch!!
It couldn't of been her.
Do you know what burning bridges means...metaphorically speaking??
Nah enlighten me.
I like your new qooh photo
Who is this?
don't worry about her she always change friends the new girl will get ditched soon enough
Yeh you do
Thanks, inbox me?
apparently youse always ignore her and dont let her join in so now she dont like youse
yeah I am she told me the other day coz I asked why she wasnt with you guys and she doesn't like youse anymore I don't know why though
Are you male or female?
sorry if I made you upset by that
Are you in my year level?
not saying exhaust I don't want to start **** bu thought you should know because you seem like a nice girl
thats why Im saying she doesnt not go on the ovel because she doesn't like it she just ditched you for the new girls
It's okay for her to have other friends.
that is ****ed so they all just left you because they all found better Freids what *****es here for u x
That's my opinion.
Got a valentine
Nope, you?
lily told me she doesn't like youse anymore and likes the new girls I dint want to start shiiit but yeah x
Who would this be?
U atually do have a good body
Says you anon
Bulls.hit she dies to so she can perv on boys she's lying
If she wanted to perv on boys the oval would be the correct place to do so.
Actual thought on Abbie
That is my thoughts.
Good thanks
That's great.
Better friends how you always were good friends I thought
I thought that too.
Thoughts on Abbie
She is a girl
Ur a really pretty girl dot let anyone tell you different u look confident and I love that about u
Thanks..... and inbox me
why doesnt Lily ecer hang with use anymore probs cause the new girl came so she ditched youse ahaha
She doesn't like the oval.
you have a mint body
Should of gone to specsavers.
Thoughts on Sophie
She is a girl
Kelsey Jess and lilly I use to always see youse together why dony use anymore
People have found "better" friends.
Why don't you hang with the same people this year
Who did I hang out with last year?
What talent do your bffs have aha
they can count to 20
What talents you go except dancin
counting to 10
one person you dont like
Patrick off spongebob.
Thoughts on your closet friends
They are pretty close to me.
What are you allergic to?
When was the last time you cried and why ?
Christmas day because I couldn't find the clothes I wanted to wear.
Prettiest girl you know
I know a few.
A secret admirer
Secret admirer my asś. :)
Hey, what's your number? :)
Who's asking?
What has wasted your time the most this year ?
do u love jerry
I don't believe I know anyone named jerry.
Thoughts on Liv partridge?
So pretty, funny, miss her, haven't talked in a while though.
Miss you, funny as and a nice person with curly hair.
thoughts on jess bateman
One of the nicest girls I know, so pretty and I could go on forever.
Thoughts on Chloe Cameron
Love her, she's so pretty and nice and plenty more.
Lamborghini or Ferrari?
she told me she didnt :))
Think what you want.
thoughts on maddi M?
Pretty sure I've done this already.
lily has no friends aha
I'm pretty sure she does.
What is your biggest success up until now?
Making a breakfast sandwich.
If money was no object, what would you do all day?
Who would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?
What’s my best physical feature?
Fav song
I don't have a favourite song.
How much do you weigh?
That's quite an intimidating topic for a lot of people to talk about. Because everyone gets judged about how "fat" or "skinny" or "average" one is. I personally don't know what I weigh because and I simply don't need nor do I want to know.
Favourite color?
Colour* and purple and yellow.
thoughts on tannar
Muscle cake.
Thoughts in abbie
If you mean "on" then she's funny a very nice girl great personality pretty and yeah
So why does lilly go on here anon pretending to be her own friend???
I'm pretty sure she doesn't.
Thoughts on maddi Mcauliffe
I love her, she is so funny, really good to be around. So pretty and she has a great personality. She's nice and yeah...
its a nice photo of you
Is it?
I really like your photo on Instagram with the pink t shirt it's really nice x
Why do you really like that photo?
Maybe Youse should get off Maddis qme if all you're gonna do it pick on Lilly, it's not Lilly's qme its maddis ask HER questions Last time I saw her she didn't self harm and it's pretty low to pick on her about that.
Thanks x
Nobody is worthless and there are better ways to get attention than self harming.. she should stop it and start being worthwhile
Stop your shît.
You have really nice eyes
Who's this?