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Madi hopkins


no hate just love xxxx

520 Replies

Your like 10 saying "who's that" lol just say what happened or clearly she didn't even do anything

You should like mind your own buisness and fck off

madihopkinss replied 3162 days ago

What happened between u and taylah

Who's that

madihopkinss replied 3164 days ago

Where did you get it done at

I've said

madihopkinss replied 3215 days ago

do you live in the UK


madihopkinss replied 3215 days ago

how old are you


madihopkinss replied 3215 days ago

biggest problem in your life right now? x

Lucas Foenander

madihopkinss replied 3215 days ago 1 2

would u ever date a girl?

Not that I know of

madihopkinss replied 3215 days ago

did they hurt? And where did u get it done at?


madihopkinss replied 3216 days ago

how sad you care more about looks. It ain't that hard for you to get a wig and eyebrows or whatever you need. I think you need that intelligence pill

most people would do the same thing just saying

madihopkinss replied 3216 days ago 1

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

really? What kind of question is this no way

madihopkinss replied 3216 days ago

What 4 did u get done? Where did you get it done at? Cause they are normally $50?

Tragus, helix and two lobe ones

madihopkinss replied 3216 days ago

Where did u get it done ?? Xx

Hysteria xx

madihopkinss replied 3216 days ago

Wow how many piercings did you get at the same time and how much was it? xx

Haha 4 and $100

madihopkinss replied 3217 days ago

what's up lucasfoenanderr


madihopkinss replied 3218 days ago

Did you get them done all the same day

Yeah why :)

madihopkinss replied 3218 days ago