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Living the life I have right now
Nicole and teagans, because they are my true friends and I trust them more than anything x
Geez eboni the least you could do is take your self off admin. And let's be honest Hun I'm more happy than you because my friends are real and not two faced ?
Probably my nan, Because she has always been their for me
I focus on personality so once I like their personality I focus on looks
Random sht
Seeing the people I love smile
Ugly and live forever because I change that by getting plastic surgery
Because people like you bully her and push her to the edge so she is fed up with being the nicest person to them when she gets nothing in return. So until btchs like you leave her alone she will continue to be herself.
Beauty and the beast .. What about you?
Oh .. Well I guess your alright .. Just can be two faced sometimes, apart from that your all g x
On what...