Thoughts on Dakota Reid?
wooh such a nice girl, so so pretty and has very nice hair!
Megan fox looks like a punched in watermelon now...
A watermelon I'm willing to taste.
what did you have for dins x
A pea
who do you like
Laura McKellar she's my lover.
whats cookin good lookin ;) x
Lots. X
Rave cave is waiting for another visit
couldn't agree more!
haha yeah.
what happened between u and tattsy if i can ask?
he is so annoying!
luv fukkkkkkking u x
yeh luv u 2.
What's you're bedtime?
when ever i fall asleep?
How tall are you?
small dont know actually hight ima like a midget haha
What side of the bed do you sleep on?
my right but your left.
Would you ever turn lesbian for Megan fox?
in a blink of an eye.
What makeup do you use?
just mascara bby cbf with all da other ****.
on a scale out of 10 how hot do you rate yourself?
0 x
thoughts on lucy mcnamara x
luv luv luv lucy, shes mi fav year 9, so dam hot and so so nice! x
I heard Alex Wild is your most favourite person ever?
yes, you heard correct then! :Pp
thoughts on jack elliott
nice as!
Would you date Dylan Oakenfold?
Nah srs, are you still friends wit tattsy or what?
dislike him very much.
What would you do if a guy you once liked was getting close with one of your close friends?
wouldnt care?
i wanna s*ck yours and zoes t*** like u did to zoe?
look, its a no from both of us sorry.
i just wanna hear you scream when i put my dic k inside of you!
u wish baby x
you s*cked jamarrahs ****!
um no lol.
Ooo mitch eade hey? ;)
Ooo no.
i want to put my pe nis in your tight puss y please
um no thanks.
ill **** you so hard.
look, id rather you not.
Most attractive boy at the college??
dey r all beautiful lul. x
is it mi ur lookin for?
Thoughts on Paris Greenman xx
whats wrong with tattsy?
are you ever coming back to school?
yes loser, like maybe next week or something!
What size are your boo*s
Thoughts on ant girl? Lmao
thoughts on alex tatts
fkn luv u
- jenna g xxx
fkn luv u more xxx
what do you hate the most.
dumb people they do my head innnnn
Just wanked over a picture of you
you're a gorgeous girl!
no :)
Thoughts on Tyler small
good as driver!
Can I take your virginity
andrine was planning to sorry.
please date me
get out of it you.
thoughts on matt sorrenti?
seems very nice :)
your so pretty.
well ur a gem x
you have such nice eyes.
lol thanks dude.
thoughts on izaac johnson?
seems nice :)
u seem really nice :):)
awh thank you xxx
your so hot makes me jizz
kiss me in the rain x
no x
I'm ***med all in your ***** hole
Mich Eade?
what about him?
You the rudest bit ch
Ricky Walsh - thoughts onnnnn
Best kid x
Thoughts on jack southern
Dont know he very well seems nice
hot grammar kids?
Ben Costello
Pat and darcy sholl
Thoughts on lucy mcnamara x
So so pretty seems nice and funny x
You're perfect! x
yeah totes
Thoughts on tommy coyne
Luv tommy best kid and so lovely
Hahahahahahahahahahahah you ****ing b I t c h
r u still friends with campbell ennis? lul x
i dont know
thoughts on matt sorrenti
so lovely wears the best clothes and attractive!
wait, who was your ex
campbell ennis like 2 years ago now haha
Do you regret you ex?
**** me ?
James Brown
grow up
Jed polonkar
Polomka? so nice but he needs to get his leg fix srs
you need to be nicer to others
what you got in mind babe? and idk hahah soz x
sleeping lmao x
Thoughts on Jed ...
Jed who?
Ricky Walsh - tbh
so so cute xxx
Thoughts on Jesse henson?
so good looking and nice!
yes you are to thin **** head.
whats on for the weekend????
im not to sure yet why so curious?
You don't even know me Maia, why are you coming to my party. ;) pazzagreenman
Actually who are you Paz ;)
Your source of happiness?
joel adams x
your skinny
not really lmao
You don't even ****ing know paris greenman... why the **** are you going to her 16th??
Lolling she invited me AHAHAH and I met her a Lewis' she lovely.
The greatest moment in your life ?
when i met busby briggs luv u xx
Omg at zoes party you like told me to hide with you in the toilet untill some **** went ahaba funniest thing just haf the best chat I don't even know but yeah we were off our chops aha x
um lol i dont remember, tell me more. x