*cwaZY gAl*
Wat j bra size
Vmy om te weet n ju om uit te vind
HAy poOp jy mt n lekR dagi he hoor en wil net se j mal awesome
Hay jyW danQ jyWz heeh :P jyWs ooK kwaaIz :P ek dink ekA weet wie jyW (C) (hug)
Do you like boys or girls
Boys ...(Girls as friends)
Hey hey lishkaQ hoop jy bly soo awesome en oulik en luister altyd metal jy weet wie ek is hoor staan by doe rookers haha swart hare en soek kak met amal#keeprockinggirl#...(Hug)
Hehehe awwh thxiE jyW......:p diNk ek weet wiE jyW ping mY oP bbM dink jy iS (D)...*(hugie)
Hahahahaha nee,dit was norma jean
Hay wi jy????* :)
Maloulikemensie wat is jw regte naam??* turboboost
Hehe alishka
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
DudE do u want A stimerOl oR mabY coME sleeP heRe wE cAn bruSh oUr teEtH iF u love iT becoZ I loVe it...*
Wat was marilyn monroe se regte naam
Dit is marilyn monroe is haar regte naam !!!!!!! ((((Ek dink))))*
Ò‰îˆHeyîˆÒ‰ jy
Hey hey wi j????*
Hey hey, just wanna say u r really amazing and have a dam nice personality... Hope u say the way u r coz I like u just as u r... Plz u have a nice body BTW... That all I wanna say for now, so say amazing...*
Ammmh tHX u :) I apresiate it!!!!:) :p SO pinG me 2 nighT aND teL me who u arE plZ !!*thEn wE 'L talk 2 night
Eya j wu ma nt se jys damn se*y en n nice persoon bly soos jy is wil j graag beter leer ken
Ammm danq ping my opp bbm asb
I was in the mood to make a statement... So there it is.
Ohk kWl*
Kn ek n pic kry vn jo
Jah sure ping my op bbm!!!!*
Do blind people have dreams?