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crap!!! check my relationship status on facebo0k ,y0u IDIOT! and please note i know who you are ARSEHOLE!
lol lol lmfmfao lol do u want us 2 be friends in order to find owt? . . . To conclude yor questi0n people have many views on other people so its up 2 u 2 decide whetha u c me as a ***** or what *smile*
coz bengse park
hehe lol im not that kind of a girl . . i wouldn\'t even consider it if it were 2 be my last resort . . so 2 conclude your question no i wouldn\'t **** 4 money
lol lol who wants to know?
lol have you ever heard ukuth i have slept with him? well theres your answer =)
lol why dont you go ask him if you wanna know sweety?
im good thanks and yourself? :-)
yes i do have a boyfriend that i really really love . . Nhlakanipho Mzinyane if you must know #winks#
no mzinyane is not my surname lol infact its my boyfriend's surname #smile#
i dont think so i know so *wink* and dont ask me how i know i just know *smile*
yes i really do . . uhm yoh! i would write you a whole novel bout why i love him so much but all you need 2 know now is that we are so so inlove <*_*>
omg **Ohhh My GEE** that's a bit personal dont you think "anonymous"? But if you really wanna know include your personal info *wink*
GOD fearing person
that im dating a guy that works at the mine who drives a GOLF GTI ,duh! I don even know who the F.I that is #guess im dating ghosts now#
Nhlakanipho "GEE" Mzinyane