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none of your buisness..
awww cagri
all of them, except for 2
I love him
Haha loserr <3
No jacobbb
My little sister!! Would do anything for you, your always there for me, your soooo pretty and i love youuuu
heey ffggtttt <3
hahah ily
such a nice kid, really funny, good to kick it with and cute
ahah okay
Hah yal! Omg, we have the best times in class, your fkn funny as, your really prrtty, and I cant wait to see you!
Shes a really nice girl, fkn gorgeous! Moe is lucky to have her! dont talk much though x
Boys: Devon, Albi and Alii shuu Girls: idkk, probs just my little sister Emily
Always there for me, really pretty! We should talk moree <3 Love youu
Your my little sister ;) your the definition of perfection! I love you
Nicee, best perso, dont really talk anymore and good looking!
aww, your amazing!
like my little sister, would do anything for her, my everything <3
Kate: really pretty, wanna get to know her better thoughh Caitlin: really pretty, best perso, best chick! miss her
Yes I am
No she didnt, why do u care lol...
Wow, your low.. I hardly knew anyone there! And if you think your tuff saying this shi*, why not take it off anon d**khead
your amazing, your really nicee and we need to talk more bby
such a cutiee, so niceeee!
not sure yet, :/ lewwl
why thank you!
Ohhhhhhh ;)
i love you too, inbox me who this is lewwwll
yes lol, everyone else is gayy
He is my everything! he is a mass cutie, we are soo closee and i love spending time with him! <3
I dont knowwww, lewwlll
oh hahaha <3
awwww, <3 if this is who i think it is, inbox meee ;)
Such a nicee guy, a mass cutie and always there for meee :)
im 14, and a virgin thanks!
lol, theres hot guys at epping?
:* hehe
idk :/
why do you carrreee lol, and no we had a fighttt.. no one won
meeddzzz your the hawwtt one ;)
Well idk, we talk but i dont think we will ever be as close as we used to be!