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Manuela Kitanovic


You want the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!

1.2k Replies

This isn't a question...but you have a beautiful soul and heart, stay that way!

Woah completely out of the blue but thanks haha

manniek197 replied 3209 days ago

Do you even give great advice?
luv from Ashi
PS. I have feelings for you, friendly feelings for you only
which means you're in the friendzone once again

You make me cri :'(

manniek197 replied 3642 days ago

So whats up with sam and luke? Do they like each other or what

*spongebob laugh*

manniek197 replied 3697 days ago

What if I can handle the truth and you can't, also what if you are lying to yourself about me not handling the truth when I can and you can't

I never said I can handle the truth, and neither can you

manniek197 replied 3697 days ago

There was no typo in the sentence I don't know why you tried to fox something that was obviously right to begin with

Fox something?

manniek197 replied 3697 days ago

Steph obviously has the best as* as she also has the best boo*s


manniek197 replied 3713 days ago

What if i can handle the truth

You can't. Nobody can. You've gotten to the point where you can't handle it so you lie to yourself about being able to handle it

manniek197 replied 3713 days ago

Would you reanact a scene out of two girls one cup?

I haven't even watched it. I'm kind of too scared to

manniek197 replied 3713 days ago

Of your friends who do you ship together the most

Obviously SAM and Luke are my otp

manniek197 replied 3720 days ago

Who out of Sam, Steph, Ashi, Flick and Phil has the best as* in your opinion?
*cant say yourself

Oh my god flick go away

manniek197 replied 3721 days ago

Who would you most like to see going out in our year level?

I don't even know who's left in our year level

manniek197 replied 3721 days ago

Favorite character from adventure time

Peppermint Butler

manniek197 replied 3723 days ago

10 pretty girls at mullauna in your year and opinion ?

Every girl is pretty in their own special way. I can't pick just ten

manniek197 replied 3723 days ago


Wait what I'll call you hold on

manniek197 replied 3723 days ago

How do you tell a girl that you love them and that you wrote them a song which goes into very *exual (possibly perverse) detail?

Ummm... Tell them you love them and that your wrote them a song, just don't tell them about the detail? I don't know I'm not exactly an expert

manniek197 replied 3724 days ago