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both gay

mariamsliwa replied 4180 days ago

cute or not?

Mattheau m
matthew h
joey b
joey k
peter g
fady g
fady b

yea, yea, meh, yea, no, no, yea, no, no, yea

mariamsliwa replied 4183 days ago

What do you think is the best feeling in the world?

Going on a roller coaster :$

mariamsliwa replied 4184 days ago

How did you and your best friend meet?


mariamsliwa replied 4188 days ago

Something you plan on never doing again?

Trusting someone in particular. lol

mariamsliwa replied 4190 days ago

It's not up to me everyone saw it its what you did don't deny it because even salwa saw it through the cameras

i don't give a f**! believe what you want man piss off

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago

you are easy going you wouldn't even hit them you would just give them a look but then laugh because you enjoyed it

LOL. kay babe up to you xx

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago

Anon, don't talk shi* about Iraqis...Do you even know any? Looks like you don't, they're possibly the kindest people you'll ever come across and they're respectful, unlike you....touf! x Fady.B

LMAOO! touf m8 aww fadyy :$

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago 3

To that anon vv. If Ur not a Iraq urself how would u know she doesn't hate us.. clearly most Iraqi's feel that she hates us... I srsly don't know if what I said makes sense matthewmaloka

HAHAHA it did dw x

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago

You are easy going you stupid slu*!

how would you know that?

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago

No salwa doesnt hate iraqis. Iraqis are stupid fks, if ur gona say that bout salwa and how shes racist them ur the one thats racist bout urselfz

english please :) xx

mariamsliwa replied 4192 days ago

your mums a slu* anon, be-careful some man want her Dic* .. we aren't slu*s Mariam they touched our a*s and we hit them so dey can go fk dem selves Catrinaa

lmao! salwa thinks i was easy going. she wont believe me when i said i told him off because she just hates iraqis lol no ones a slu* around here x

mariamsliwa replied 4193 days ago

Lol to the anon, if it was a 'joke' why do it then? and if you use your logic, don't do it in c block or where's there's cameras, blame yourself by the way, were getting told off too, and hahaha 'slu*' pretty sure none of us have even done anything xxx orninahannax

hahaah this! <3 xx

mariamsliwa replied 4193 days ago

what was the joke that got them suspended

i guess guys just cant handle themselves when theres no p*rn around.

mariamsliwa replied 4193 days ago 1

who got suspended

lol i dont know

mariamsliwa replied 4193 days ago