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Maria Voulgari


ask meeee

1.2k Replies

Who do you envy and why ?


mariavoulgari replied 3642 days ago

Be careful of Fatima Kaddour, really isn't trustworthy

Don't send me these questions because the last thing I want is my qoohme to be about drama. She isn't anything to be careful about and you're probably judging as one who doesn't even know her

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

are you dating izzy moussa

I've made it clear that I don't date! Izzy and I hardly speak and when we do it's only about religion or just being there for each other. You girls have nothing to worry about, his a single man!!

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

Mashallah so proud of you Maria! Just letting you know (if you didn't know) that all your bad sins are whiped away the first day you converted to Islam ❤️❤️

Thank you beautiful soul❤️❤️

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

Are you a Sunni Muslim ?

When I do convert then yes I do plan on converting to Sunni Muslim but I wouldn't label myself as anything other than a Muslim. We're all here for the same purpose, all Muslims so I don't really see the need to label myself as a Sunni Muslim when we're all one

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

I've recently converted to Islam, I'm currently learning and you seem to know quite some bit about the religion, what were ways to expand your knowledge about being a muslimah?

Congratulations Angel and welcome to Islam!! I'm still learning myself to be honest, every single day I'm learning new things but you can message me on Facebook or instadirect me if you like!!!

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

Do you pray 5 times a day ? Or at all ? :))

I'm still learning unfortunately but give it a few more lessons and InshAllah I'll have the hang of it!

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

Who introduced you to Islam ?

Over hearing my mates speak about the religion in such a beautiful way influenced me to look into it but really, noobody guided me but Allah

mariavoulgari replied 3643 days ago

Who told you they loved you last

My mum I think, like last night or something before falling asleep

mariavoulgari replied 3647 days ago

A body part you think you could do without ?

Dumb question

mariavoulgari replied 3649 days ago

are you friends with Sabrine?

We don't talk

mariavoulgari replied 3654 days ago

May I ask why you are so against love? What is so bad about it

I'm not against love, I just believe no love is real unless it's marriage!

mariavoulgari replied 3655 days ago

Yeah but she seems to be against your descision in converting

How does my mum seem to be against my descision? Do you live at home with me? I'm sorry but I don't recall ever living with a 4th family member. My mother loves me regardless! Yeah it might not be easy for her but everything is perfect between my mother and I and alhamdulillah I wouldn't ask for a better life style right now

mariavoulgari replied 3658 days ago

Im also muslim trying to help you no hate. But know that you believe in allah and accept the religion islam. You also have to watch what you wear, like nothing revealing, no bikinis and all that :)

The only time I wear a bikini is when I'm tanning in my backyard. I've never been seen in revealing clothing nor have I ever shown an amount of skin whilst thinking about converting. I'm very careful on what I wear and I can promise you, clothing is the last thing you need to worry about when it comes to me. Thank you tho! I appricate your concern :)

mariavoulgari replied 3658 days ago

What mascara do you use

Benefit mascara- they're real

mariavoulgari replied 3658 days ago