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No, just friends
Thank you Fifi ❤
Because I can give them privacy by not naming them.
It seems your using the internet as tool to try and bully me. I would like you to say this to my face because I doubt you would. So get f**ked if you can't say it to my face
No we are not
Yes I do have close girl friends but I am not naming them
I don't have this to call people fat
Nah I wouldnt
What ever rolls into my drive way.
Not much hahahaha
For as long as I can
30 ish
Gold Coast
Kaolo~ Yellow Claw
Niggas in Paris
There are multiple people I would date from different houses
Yeah I do
I am a mean person
In the 21st century we have showers
No I wouldn't because I don't want an STI.
Nope, moved on ages ago.....
I ain't dating anybody fool hahaha
I would because, 10 mins wouldn't hurt to help another.
If you say so hahahaha
Stuff that I shouldn't worry about
Hahaha we just have different opinions.
Hahahaha nice Issy.
That's way too time consuming soz
No not at the moment
Lots of things
Sounds about right :)
It's easy to pronounce
Hahahaha welcome
Yes it is
Not much
I am on kik
I'm good and you?
Hello thought so
Dwayne or Justin
Thank you whoever you are :)
Would you like to start a club called the anti- profanity club? And since when have i said swearing makes me cooler. Swearing is a sign of hatred and that's what I'm trying to get across as oppossed to trying to be cool. There is an obvious difference between the two and you have the wrong side of me.
Because I hate stupidness and that's what makes me get pissed off and mean.
On your mum's a*s?
Oh for f*ck sake. F*ck off will you? Seriously it's not funny.
How many little guys have you seen wank?
1. Get a ****tionary and your probably thinking I can't spell right? Well guess what, maybe if you get f*cked I wouldn't need to say **** back. 2. If you think your so cool pissing me off your not, because as soon as someone finds out who you are, your going to be the most uncool person in the world. So have a quick think about what your doing and get back to be. Stupid little c*nt
Tennis was good
I think I do
Go get some brains bimbo/ginger or whatever hair colour you are
It's pretty obvious your going to deny who ever I say
I can tell by the way its written. Not so dumb am I?
Beats beat box
No I don't want a stalker thank you very much
No cute girls
Okay then. I know who you are :P
Depends who it is. Kik me- matttisdale
No I'm not, and no I don't find it weird for a girl to ask out a guy.
And what you going to do about it? If you are sooo curious about my friends why don't you ask me in person? Are you scared of me or something? Seriously if u really want to do all this reverse phycology take it somewhere else because I'm not as stupid as you!
What's ya point? It's in plain English
Don't have any
No f*ck off you ***** human being
Um no. You can not do that
No, we have agreed on friends now. It's better this way
I'm flattered....... Son of a c*nt
Simran I don't know you very well but what I can say is your really nice and friendly.
Go s*ck a ****
Guy friends yes
Yes I know that
Derrimut- Alannah and Grace Flinders- Issy fon, Hannah Hudson- idk Molland Caitlin, Abby, Evelyn and Celeste Pascoe- Jos, Kat, Georgia, Laura, Bec, Aly, Milly Strathmore- Beth, Issy R, Emily and Issy p probably forgot some people
Derrimut- Nathan B, Connor Wall idk who else Flinders- MJ, Shiva and Charles Hudson Mitch, Lachy Mills and David Molland Dylan, Harry Bai, idk who else Pasoce Friends with everybody Strathmore William Zheng and a couple more but that's a secret. I forgot a lot of people because I can think at the moment
I have more than one close friend in each house. I'm not picking favourites
Swear alot, and possibly punch something
We never dated
Thanks :)
No I'm not dating anyone atm and I don't like anyone in particular atm
Thanks :)
Hahahaha thanks