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hey girl fwend long time no see
i had no idea.....
i know who this is!!! :D
i dont think you do
my birthdays in october
really nice eyes
england and florida
So many I don't know the names of but Devante. scoft, Baylie
thank you so much!!
ive never lived there so no, dubai is my home
nap we dont really talk
UK and Florida
i wish to
:/ the heart wants what the heart wants;) its a lot more complicated for me than you think but yeah i am ish
<3 <3 THANKS
it dosent mean hes not going out with her;) haha
he likes his girl friend:)
no?? i dont like anyone
sean this is boring now x
friend zoned
because your questions are boring
;);) you
skinny little guys
:( mean, but no loooolll
r u implying im a lesbian here
yeah eat your 'hand' little animal
they're all really nice except '..... ......'
i think of u
danny as in the lead singer of the script, looooool
millie is my best friend lol, she just gets angry at me really easily so i give her space. but honestly she has been there for me for ages sah she is ma best friend
nice people
thank you hahaha x
they are cool!! kirin is one of my best friends lol nd rogina nd me are really really close now
millie - good friend pretty
kirin - amazing at sport! close nd pretty
ash - bestfriend in dubai! so stunning wa
frankie - amazing, gorgeous
sara - cool
ceri - cool
virginia - amazing nd pretty, close
rogina - i love her xxxxxxxx
i only have 2 lol
she's my close friend but we fight alotttttttt ............
Southern Elephant Seal.
haha thank you, daniel's like my brother so i wouldn't want to lolollol
in year 9 it would be ollie nd sean and in year 10 it would be devante sam joe tom
year 9 would be ashleigh
year 8 would be flossy and the netball crew (luce caiomhe etc)
year 10 would be bee
because tigers are the third largest carnivore and you arent
9s2- amelia virginia
9f2 - ashleigh frankinstein
9g2 - millie hanna
i am not 'obsessed' with dan hahha, okay clearly you dont know me well, but i would love to get to know you, you seem so lovely!!
j j
told me
ye cas im gay like that
i would decide at the time, if it ever did happen
tommorow moe
friday tennis tournament
saturday cbd athletics competition
sunday snowboarding
monday homework
not far :)
no hahahha
why would i care
big b*ms you are beautiful
ni\'m not \'acting\' like im friends with anyone..heh im okay thanks
you are disgusting. Why would you like joe hes white.. ps) he's probally a hell of a lot fitter than you babes
max joe jules sam devante tom
ruiridad however you spell rory
because the more i sing the better i wish, cause im happy yay
haha ash my man, should of seen us friday night
what do you think happens every spanish lesson......... spanish
one of my closest friends, so funny, mean to me in pe:( likes to touch me
no credit/no bbm/ i have a life yay, yep, you guys can sleep at mine thursday but you have to leave at 1100 or 1000 cause i have a tennis tournament on friday after noon, and the woof kennels, i cant make because i have te cbd finals but my mum text and its okay as i will come next weekend, mwahy
im white for the 200th time (no racism here) mwah yay thanks
thats good, cause were going out
trust me, if you knew me well, you would think the complete opposite, im anything but
water mainly
i didnt go
no i dont smoke :) thanks haha, okay x
oscar nd alex