Awe lighty why don't you answer your questions bra
Some questions are so **** bra /:
Who do u like
This chick ey..
Hey matt :D I have you on BBM but I just wanted to say something very important... *dum dum dummmmmmm.... *. You have amazing hair O.O
I thank yew ...
Do u have a girlfriend ?
Are you and Leyah still dting?
YeS. WhY!?
Who do you like?
Leah Maroulis
WILL U MARRY ME!!!!!!! :* Plz say yess I have cookiesss!!!!!! ;)
Haha sure*
You're so hot omf -___-
Who U??
Hmmm. I wonder if you can guess who this is. Maaaattttttiiiiiiiiiiiiii. My fap boy ! ;P
Kiki :D !!
What do you think about yourself? :)
What's your bbm pin? I lost you on my contact list, my phone tends to wipe alot /: S.Gwendolyn.Cockeran
23A07E0C (:
[ M a t t y ♡ ] Guess who :) xx .. OreoFreak
My nay nay :D?
Why don't you just tell people that you ****ing gay. Its obvious already. Btw this is Caity mwah :)
Matty .. Why u delete me :( .. [ C h i n a y ] OreoFreak
You did /:
Lol don't you hate it when people ask you who you like? Idc who do you like?
Hahaha shudup /: Its annoying
Matt is not a man ***** :| ****ing dill hole :|
What she sed!
:P you're actually so sweet, Matt
Thnks :D *
Who are da others that you like? (:::
Not saying. Who u?
Dude you really are a man wh*reee
That's nice Story bro /: say it again
Who r the othas?
Wat? Stop asking dum questions f***** /:
No I'm sying da person u lyk is caitlin?!
YES. Not the only one. But yyyaaaa. LoL
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwweee matt IT been long brother
Aaawwweeeee dudiiee
**** you I'm not that short :c. Okay maybe I am :/ don't be rude now. Bully :'c
Short girls are amaziinngg tho (: they are the best too pick up and squeez!
Lol its some chic named caitlin
Haha okay hay !!
f** got you. Get it \=D/ f***** you \'.'/
Leah :P your so dumb !! Haha *short shiiiaat*
I thought it was me. A brunette. But whatever. Is she in your school?
No she isn't. . . Who you? U in my school?
Who do u like that's not in ur skwl. Names?
Caitlin ,
What do you think is the best feeling in the world?
Being on a bike and hitting the power band!
Who do u lyk? Thts nt in yor skwl
A blondey(:
Why don't you have a gf?
Why you ask that question :P ! I'm working on it
I like you and all but I feel like your just pushing me away :\
Well. I'm not trying too
f*** you ! You are such a liar ! Thank you so much for that really ! I f***ing hate you ! You just f*** with peoples emotions don't you !
What you on about /:
How do you tell someone they have bad breath?
Bad breath turns me on ...
Who is your favorite superhero
Deadpool :D
Who is your favorite band
Bullete for pretty boy or asking alexadria!
Do u like any. Girl at school
Yeah the one in my class
What's your favorite p*rn site
DUde ..
seriously I was reading the answer questions who is carden
Some wierdo
Seriously I was reading the answered questions who is carden and why do you speak to him/her
He's funny. But THICK
I get where you coming from these "people"that say girls will want a really relationship...bullshi* kay=D you're a girl who is obsessed with Matt??wtf if he doesn't want a girlfriend now then he doesn't have to get one?stop whining now & go pms somewhere else
/: haha tnx brandy
You say some girls don't want a serious relationship? Well what bull I can tell you now a lot of girls want a serious relationship. Just saying
Oh okay then .. Iv never met one who is like that
One thing that the world does not know about you?
I have a cat
You say you like a lot of girls ? Well I think you should chose because I'm sure you don't want to hurt some of them by leeding them on :( then just leaving :( think wisely
No1 takes it seriously tho. Girls don't seem too want a serious relationship
You will never get laid
Ses yoU!
Who is this carden he sounds like the most amazing person in the existence of time his pinnacle of evolution this man that can make god himself blush this leader of men and destroyer of empires this great man who is he who I ask you who
Dude /: ENUFF
Answer all questions people have the right to no what are you hiding who are you protecting
YoH . What you on aboUt !
you couldn't get laid in a female prison with a handful of pardons
ShuduP Carden
What are your favourite coloured eyes ?
It are being blue and light green (:
Who's mom is as thin as paper
Jonathen De martines
What's your favourite flavour for hub?
Blue mix !
There's a man in a room with no doors or windows the only thing in the room is a mirror and a table how did he get out
If there's no doors or windows. Then how the ffuk did he get in
Watupp mathew :D do you still like fat girls?
Hahaha whaaat
Were is your jew gold
Shutup cartmen
Girls after you xD and you not being picky ??? Stop talking shi*___ XD wow
What you on about?
If you had to rape someone, who would it be bra ??
Uhhmm .. NO
SOooo do you have a girlfriend:d if not who do you like?
Nope .. Too many. No1 spacifik .
Haaay*. Caan ii havE y0uur pin pleasee??*
231B4AF2 /:
You're damn se*y ;)
Haha tnx /:
Name that special girl :O please dude
Naaa braaa
Wow... Girls love uuu :o 0_o
Haha I guess /: :D
Bbm me pls
Who UUU /: lol
I know wat skwl u are in
Uhm .. Well done?
Let's get married and start a zombie kitty empire?? :3 LOL PS. I'm still gna eat you :/
Hels yes !! :P !! I'm gna eat u 1st remember :D !!
What do yew like (: in girls?
I'm not picky /: (:
Who do yew like??!
Some1 special D:
Noo.. Clearly matthew is mine !
If yeW couLd tuRn baCk time to aNy moMent..wHich moMent wOuld it BE??..*
The time I drove my friendz supa bike :D
I wanttt youuu s000 bad :'( :P hee hee
Shampeez :\'(
Did you beat the dude up????? *Evil laugh* Heeeeeeeeeee ;-)
Na. He kicked my buttox.. /:
Its me jake you sed you will beat me up well go a head I'm waiting for you!
Sweet man .. Tomorw at skwl
What ever happened t'o us?
No idea /:
Ur your beanut nd I wanna be your jelly
That made sense :P
Eish but you're se*y :|
Wish you were mine (y)
If this is who I think it is ... Then I wish you were mine 2 :\'(
Wow!! Who knew you could get over a girl so fast that's so swak hay
What you on about..
Roses are red My name is Dave.... This poem makes no sense... Microwave!
Nice :P pretty old tho don\'t u think
Heyyyyyy!!!! Sooo tell me do u like chicken :D
Helz yes!! Do you ??
MATTHEW guess who ??
No idea :P tell me!
Hello ;)
I like you a lot :P
;) Wink wink ;)
Plz plz PLEEEEZ BBM me /:
What types of girls u into?
No spacifik type
Do u like ... ,and why ? kaitiiiiiee
I like my kitty .. And because its fluffy!
Its back dimples ... Ok?? End of story :) nd no °̩ ₫ǿητ know what °̩ did wrong you just got angry nd everything
How do u know me????????/: kaitiiiiiee
It ses\' kait \' under ur questions
Lolz wats the one thing no1 knows abwt u? And also what type of girl u intrasted in?
I have a thing for my one friend\'s mom /:
Nice profile btw XP Do you hang
at Bright Water Commons a lot? XD XP
Only to mess around on my BmX with mates :P do you?
Have you ever seen insanity where you later saw creativity?
My cats name is nunu
I love you se*yness
Chuck norris rules
Duuudddeeee!! You're like.. Wow!!
If you were on the McDonald menu, you'd be a Mcse*y and I'd order you!! God!! It should be illegal.. +rolls my eyes+
Marry me -_-
I have a cat
Matty.. I only read the stuff... I don't actually ask questions, if it was that interesting you wouldve told me looonnnggg ago -love abi xX
Rreading that made me say \' BURN!!\' too myself
Back dimples :p !!!
Back MUSCElz!