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Spam me and ill bake you brownies <3

1.1k Replies

Who makes you happy?

Rylee<3 Alecia and Patrick, they're my faves

mckellarxo replied 3917 days ago

Who do you miss right now?

My mommy

mckellarxo replied 3932 days ago

i think he meant you're gross and you look like poopy

because y'know

you look like poopy <3 ;) alohaeveryone

aweh thank you so much :*

mckellarxo replied 4065 days ago 2

cute face where'd ya get it. Rileysmitth


mckellarxo replied 4065 days ago

You are such an inspiration...

Aweh :$

mckellarxo replied 4095 days ago

Who do you like?

Ew people

mckellarxo replied 4095 days ago

How do girls even have *ex..

Google it.

mckellarxo replied 4097 days ago 1

Are you dating riley?

Lol no?

mckellarxo replied 4101 days ago 1

You are so beautiful <3 :}

aweh you're sweet <3

mckellarxo replied 4101 days ago

Hey darlin, you and riley were very good together. And I'm sorry if i ever hurt you. but seriously, if anything happens between you two, i want you to be happy, not sitting around thinking of my feelings. you've been a big part of his life for a long time :* Haley_xo

You're amazing Haley really, cause I know I'd never be able to say something like that to someone else LOL. But thank you!:$

mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago 1

Would you ever date coltin again?


mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago

What do you mean you don't have any thoughts on brie?

I mean I don't have any thoughts on her cause I don't care lol

mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago

Can I have my brownies now?;)

Yeahhh :)

mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago

Thoughts on Brie?

Don't really have any

mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago

who do you like?

no one :)

mckellarxo replied 4102 days ago