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Scott :D haha aii maN yOo jusT gOta get oWah it ,, cuz I'm nOt ,, but thanxX anywaY (:
Bjah dankii (: ,, hkm sE jj nuW gevaarLik :p
NOoo thanxX (yes)
En .... MY besTe eSte waS hiSo (: Liefa juW netsOow :D besTe oU'Q oOoiit
HaYa (: beLowe Owe xe saLii (:
Hay (: haha xe genieT dt bjah (: hoOwp jj dun oOk :D hehe oZ saL defnetief ii pLan maK (: yOo 2 <3
HaLo (: fine thanxX
SorTa jaW ,, haha xt geen idea hkm amaL duNi (coveR facE) (:
AwWh thanxX a lot (: ping mE ey then we can taLk (:
DonoVan McLean (:
Lmp2 dankii (:
HaY ,, dis nT xe is bjah bang ve weA seeR kRy ): bjah menSe ht di ideA vn mY n hoM geLike mah aii menSe veRandeR jOng ): gLoO my xe iSi poes Liefa hOmi ,, xe is viby poes Liefa hOm!! Dai oU is mY 2de heLfte (: mY trOu maN!! :D aii gLoO my xe saL hOm noOoooOiiT verLoOri xe saL doOd sekeR davan maaK!! (: sOow jaW ,,
Lmp2 whahaha (: bjah Lekah dunhiLL cauRtLeigh ,, hOndkoP siggarette dai (: cheCk jj ?? :p
My beSt!!! :D wa de heL kRyp jj ini wereLd weg?? Fokin mis juW!! Haha mis juW meeR aSi meeSte mY brah (: haha xe is maNt aweSome as xe saMy beSte suSa is jj weeT (: haha xe oOki ,, nog meer om te maK (: (beeR) :D Liefa juW sLet (: (;
Haha cUte ou'Q (: mah dis mY vriendin sE bRur ,, sOow nah (:
MY buTah :D haha aii bWokii ,, hehe xe is bly jt kom kRap (: wnt xe is oOk Liefa juW (: :D haha xe saLi as jj ni dUni ;)
JaWp its trUe (: :p
Hehe oOh (: jaW jj saL hom nog kRy muni stresSi (biiig smiiLe) xX (: yOo gNa get what yoO deseRve :p
Haha haY ,, jaWp dt was bjah Lekah maK weA soOw neh (:
En wieS jj ?? ,, xe n JR is saaM soOw wat nuW ?? (NoT intreSted faCe)
Mt reSpek (: (yes)
Haha waTe oOreenkomS ?? (Laughing faCe)
Hahaha [bLuSh] jameR jOng (: ping mY op bbm wil jameR se (: (hUg) n bjah danki whuR :p
HaY (: haha uhm weL hkm ping jj mYni oP bbM ni dan kn oz praaT (: uhm saL soOw maK jOng :p
Xe weeT preSies wii jj iS (: waNt xe saL di koShys kaS ,, di VN's ,, woOrde ,, gevoeLenS n oZ tYe saaM noOit oOit vergeeTi :p xE mis juW soOw bjah jOng (: kn nOgi datuM onthuW 24 februaRie (: haha in di gyM mnR'Q hehe (biiig hUg) n seLah hiSo mnR Smith (: 243 xX
AwwWh (: bjah bjah danKii [biiiG hUg] ,, daLk daLk ni menS weeT nOoit wt ini toekOms gebeuR ni (:
BLush faCe ? (:
Wtp iSit mejuLa en mY boo*s!! Ffs maN!! JuLa sit my af /:
mY maL as* buddY !!! (: mis juW ook sOow bjah!! Lovies yOo eveN mOre hunnY <3 yOo 2 biiG kiSs
Xe vesTani :/ LoL
Megan swaRt Likes yOur wallPost (: mY oU'q ht vimy km skRyf <3 hehe seLah hiSo bLy di wonderLike oU wi jj iS (: n onthuW me Loves yOo tonZz
Not reaLi ,, cuZ we juSt friendS (:
Lmp2 ,, bLy jj dnk sOow (: saL sOow maK ,, jj Ook (:
Hahah ,, noPe ni rergi (:
:/ aS ii peL jaW ,, mah ni as meeR ni ,, oZ is nt peLa saL hoM nOooOit Like in dai manieR ni (: xX
Aii jOng ,, wenS dingE kOn aneRs weeS mah xe steLi beLangi /:
Hehe bjah danKi (:
DOno!! ,, but its weiRd and eratating /: ,, ii mean ii gOt 7 mesSages aL abouwT my boo*s /: wtf theSe ppLe r obviousLe nOt uSed 2 boo*s
Hehe oZ muT defnetief nOg kyeR :p mah onthuW jj mut my beSkerm neh (: afteRaLL jj is my bodyguaRd xX mwah
S t r a ii g h t_f a c e /:
MegaN :p mis juW oOk mY desvannQ (: (biig hUg)
SoRi mah xe is neT nOgi Oor ieMandi (: n xe wL eerS aS xe teRug km in PE kyk of xe n hy dingE wea gan kn maaK weRk (:
Bjah cLose peL vnMy (:
Hehe dai wOord " bodyguaRd " se aLs (: duh weeT xe wi jj is :p hehe saL aLtYd juW yster'Q bLy neh mwah ,, duh xe is aLtYd soeT (;
Haha Lmimpi (: danKi :p
Wt vn huLa ?? [BLush faCe] xX
HaY (: agh daNki whuR :p hehe xe saL pWomis Lekah andji vejuW Ook (: ping mY aSb
Wne jj pLane maK :p xX ping mY
ThanXx (:
Hehe wT vnMy Lyfi ?? :D hehe agh saLi miNdi (jOke) xX j Ook pS ping mY oP bbM (:
Hehe thanXx a lot (:
HaY (: hehe ii knoW excacLi whOo yOo R,,yOo aLmoSt raN me oWa wif uR caRe juSt 2 geT a hUg (: ii aLSo wana b bY shakeS (: hehe yOo beteR coMe saY sOmething agaiN eY (: hehe miS yOo aLso an wE gNa skud kak Lekah ii knoW!! Hehe pwomiS (: hehe ii wiL dOo sOow huN (: :p
HaY jj (: soLii xe gani fOodshed 2 ni jOng xe iSi in PE ni mah xe saL ii ane kEa dan mUt jj km heLo sE okaY ?? (: xX
HaY (: xe ht sOowsin geeN idEa wi jj iSi sOow xe kaNi seNi jOng (: mah danki daT jj dnk xe is ouwLik jOng (: pinG my aSb op bbM (: xX
DyLLan fieLd (: xe weeT dis jj hehe keN aL mY goGa sE steM (: jS ii gR8 peL whuR nj hufi jaMe te seni wNt jt yntlik nXx gedUni,,xe saL Ook aLtyd lief vejuW bLy neh (: xX
HaY jaWp ht juW gevRa omaT xe juw wL Leer keN n peLa raK jOng (: nT peLa hehe danki jOng n nogaL mah xe Laat dti 2 ni dt is reRg piT komin mah jj kRy mah vn dai ouenS jOng geeN respeK ve mysieS ni,,(: saL sOow maK appeL'Q <3
HaY dyLLan'Q <3 hehe jS ii bjah niCe oU (: jaW neE oz pwaT amPe nOoOit n omW xe sieN juW noOiti!! DiS shi*!! :/ hehe jaW neah juStin se parTi was Lekah mah xe is bi'Q teLeuRgeteLd injuW jOng mwah xe saL sOow maK (biiiiG hUg) xX muCh Love neh (:
Haha danki mah nee daNki (: xT ii oU n steli beLang oM ane ouenS betah te leer keNi,,n my lufi soLi is mY ou siN,,:p cheCk jj?? PS - xe weeT presieS wi jj iS (: (;
HaY jj (: danKi reRg dt beteKen bjah (: hehe xe saL defnetief regmaaK (: xe gaNi 1ste 1e weeS wt gan inspring jj weeT :p hehe wL juw ontmut jj klink bjah niCe mwah (: hehe jj betah wEa km skRyf bLixxeM foki rOnd kRapeRy :p :D j Ook okaY?? Xx mwah
HaY wiaN (: <3 hehe jj betah mY heLp neh (: wL sy mRs sanTa weeS n xT ii geSkenki gekRy jj mUt nt heLp kieS waTer 1e (: hehe xe hOop mah sOow jOng Like hm cRap bjah (: <3 hehe gLoO my oZ gan nog kYer (: n Lekah murSe parTii :p
HaY (: uh okaY haha :D js Ook ouwlik wUh (: genieT juw daGi Ook (: (hUg) pS cht meeR meMy :p
HaY jj (: xE dnk xt ii gOeie idEa wi jj iS wNt da is nt 1 oU wt vimy se prinSes (: :D bjah daNki jj (: j mOet Ook sOow 1 spesiaLe ou'Q bly sOows jj nuw kLa is okaY ?? Mwah xX lekah andji vejuW oOk :p
HaY (: agh bjah daNki jj (: jS oOk 1 bjah niCe n vriendeLike oU,,xe saL sOow ouwLik bLy aS jj ve aLtYd sOow goeie oU'q is (: okaY??
FriedL mY buTah!! (: mis juw Ook cRap bjah my Lewe iSi mEa dieseLa sOner dai maL hVs kineRs ): hehe eLke kEa as xe daSo is dan is jj ni daNi,,mah saL wEa kM mis oOk oz LaAaAng praaitjieS n Lekah gaT mak tYe mnR stef n sy bLack caT stOorieS :D Liefa juW Ook hehe jj beTah my sponSer aneRs is daSo kaAk!!! (: mwah xX
Heheh danKi jj (: gLoO my xe saLi (:
HmM mnR van deR meRwe (: hehe daNki daT jj op mY qOoh me km skrYf ht waaRdea dt bjah (: (biig hUg) hehe bjah daNki whuR mah xe gaNi strYni js seLf bjah ouwLik (: 2 jj viMy bY oaSis se js sOow mOoi xe muS juW nt gRut 2 is xe sOows awWh (: js adOrabLe mah rerg jS ii nicE persOon :p n dt was reRg nice om juw Ook te ontmUt (: ouwlike kiNt (:
I geT that a lot (:
Otto du pLessis (:
Hehe bjaah danKii (: xX xe waarboRg juw jj saLi kaNi (;
HaY (: juW wuRm :p <3
Hehe danki jj (: hehe dalk yOo neWah knoW hehe nj iS ii bjah ouwLike oU (: hehe cUte is jj ni (: mwah xX
Hehe jj beteR mnR kLeyn aneRs isiT xnj!!* (:
HaY jj (: hehe sieN juW Ook kaNi waGi (: danki jOng huLank?? :p Love yOo 2 kani wag om juw te sieN in jV ni oZ gan defnetief kyeR (: hehe dis aLtyd LedgeNd ping mY oP bbM aSb (: xX
HaY (: uhM thanXx ii geuS
Hehe danki n ni sekeR davaN ni (:
Hay my skaPii (: xe mut vejuw danki se n xe wL juw Ooki veRLoOri rerg js te spesiaaL :p awWh dnk jj reRg soOw ?? Liefa juW oOkk (:
Danki (: n nee xti geweeTi
HaY my biebeR'Q (: jsi 1e wt mut ouwLik bLy xe sali weGi pwoMis (: gan juw Ook miSs nj is nt my monsteR'Q
Lmp2 soLii mah xe waS sekah ve 2maNde singLe n nuW aL ve 12 dae is xe saM jR (: sOow jaW kRy mah juw fyte agte meKah okaY dan pwaT oz wEa (:
Hehe okaY xe weeT nuW wi jj iS (:
AwWh my biiG as* saXxi mai'Q waS hiSo (: hehe danKi mY Liefde (: girL jj oOk wUh beautifuL beskryf juWi eeRsi :p Love yOo tOoO
<3 ... AwWh bLush facE (:
I don't caRe hoW ppLe LooK ii gOo 4 personaLitY (:
HaY saL sOow maK jOng (: huLank??
Hehe danKi jj (: 2mah xe wOwi oKi wt huLa dnKi :D
Danki bjah (: xX hehe mis juW Ook (( Dink xE ))
NOo asLong aS he haS a gR8 personaLitY (: