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Megan McDougall


ask or tell me anything you'd like

31 Replies

You're beautiful and strong, don't let a single person tell you otherwise. People don't see what you've gone through, and they definitely underestimate who you truly are as a person.

this made me smile and I really appreiciate people like you who take time out of their day to make another aware they are a good person. Thank you so much <3

meganmcd replied 4506 days ago 1

Please Do! I'll be counting on that :P LauraLeeWaters

give me a date and I'll be right over :)

meganmcd replied 4507 days ago 1

How do you curl your hair? I'm actually so jealous of your curls I've only said that 100 times.. but you have the prettiest hair by far. :) LauraLeeWaters

awe thank you and somedays I do it with the curling wand and others I do it with a straightener if I want loose curls! I'll come do your sometime! :)

meganmcd replied 4507 days ago 1

What happened with you & laura ?

none of anyones business, we just dont talk anymore

meganmcd replied 4507 days ago

ayyy get into godfathers and get the damn job, your twin wants to see more of you ;) love you mcnugget, don't let these cyber b*ms get ya down (: brooke.goodchild

love you too! neeed to rekindle our long lost friendship!

meganmcd replied 4508 days ago

You deserve the best, love ya kid!

thank you<3 means alot

meganmcd replied 4508 days ago 1

Is it true jordan godin is taking you to gdhs dance

was true I guess? I hadn't said yes yet though but it went around that I was going with him and Goddyn*

meganmcd replied 4508 days ago

beauty :) LauraLeeWaters

thaaaanks love

meganmcd replied 4524 days ago

Best five guuurl fweends!!!!!

Ashley Henry, Leah, Ashley Gillet, Morgan, Olivia.

meganmcd replied 4524 days ago

top 5 guys

Dixon, murray dalton

meganmcd replied 4527 days ago

you are very pretty, i hope you realize that sometime. at times you may seem snooty to me in the halls but i understand you have a gaurd up from all the stupid kids that treat you like shi*. keep being you. from kid that sees more than others know

who is this, inbox me.. but thank you?

meganmcd replied 4527 days ago


because I'd like to know who this is who is complimenting me and if you are someone who is treating me like shi* then I'd like to know why

meganmcd replied 4527 days ago

I'm sorry for the misunderstanding bud you're amazing bud and don't deserve to not be treated well

thank you... inbox me or something

meganmcd replied 4527 days ago

I mean you do t deserve people to treat you badly bud

I clearly get more hate then you know or anyone knows.

meganmcd replied 4527 days ago

Leave her alone she doesn't deserve uyou kids to even talk to her


meganmcd replied 4527 days ago