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Mud, dirt.. Why are the trumpets playing?
Any time I'm not eating.
Mud, dirt, all that stuff is pretty dirty! :)
Oh please anon, I got nothing on you!
Anon farted, a tsunami started!!!!!
My sister? Because she is thinking about paying $12000 for me to go to Italy!!!
I think it might be 12 maybe?
Uhm lyk hew dusent?
I think I'm going to Bonnie Doon on Sunday! (Don't know if that's how you spell it) And it's dad's weekend!
Probably a two because well, I have a nice thumb! (:
Uhm, actually, the sun is.... :3
Uhm excuse me, I was starving and I bet you were jealous! They were burnt though :(
Yes actually, I bought two kittens about a month ago!
In work-out terms it is actually "drop it like a squat" (:
Why are you thanking me? All I do is, eat, sleep, rave, repeat! But thank you again anon, you are so sweet! (':
This also made my day! (': Thank you anon who has clearly not seen me trying to play sport, sing, read etc!
Aw, thank you, made my day (':
I love you anon who isn't really anonymous cause I know who it is :3
Uhm, couldn't be Chloe, she don't like JB, I don't know! (;
My meow baby/ Matilda and Becky (:
Money can buy food and that's the same thing right?
My little sister kicked me in the head while I was asleep and threw a mattress at me because my boyfriend doesn't love her.
69 and all their names have to rhyme!
Who needs humans when you have animals????
Uhm, Georgia K, Taylor, Becky, Christine, Rachael, Caitlyn M, Chloe, Ella, Georgia B, Zoe, Caitlin S, Shenae, oh I give up! I love everyone! Actually, not everyone but you get my point!
You're a poet and you didn't even know it!
Too late.... :/
Ihy more bish xoxo :*
Awkward cause it has actually been 6evaaa... :/
Give up certain foods, such as chicken.
I can't remember a specific time but, hasn't everyone?
Mind reading, so when people say oh that was my last piece of chewy I can be like oh b*tch I'm a mind reader and I know you have chewy!!!
Eating. (:
Jst coz im wite no neid 2 rub et en!!!!!!!
Jaclyn. (:
Food. You have and will forever fulfil my needs in life.
That's cute! I hate you anyways! (: xox
When b*tchez seen it and no reply! Or!!! When there's no decent food left.
An iPhone would be fab. Or a descent Samsung would go well! (:
Question 2 on the maths test today I made a very big mistake!
10?! That's a lot!
Best friend? I have plenty!
A bf? Yeah, I have a few best friends!
Or. I choose or! Because love may not last and money definately won't!
She's goes well.
Either Georgia King or Caitlin Schmidt! (:
I sort of cried a little today when I got a blood test. The needle was fine but fainting half way through really hurts your head!
One with wheels.
Seems like a really great guy! From what I've heard, he's even nicer when he's not with his friends but! I can't judge cause I don't know him so well! (:
I get Tracey the most.
Quite a few people at the moment, to be honest! (:
Nope, I just can't be bothered!
Uhm, I don't really know.
What about her?
What with a 'ha'
No, just because people self harm does not mean they're attention seekers. Nobody knows what's happening behind a persons social life.
Not mah thang!
Uhm, I fell over a little while ago! I got a cut on my leg and a bruise!
I don't personally like to think about that.
Yeah, sure! Lel, uhm, wot?!
Jack Bartlett: Eh, he's okaii? Georgia King: Needs a lot of help. Taylor Lambert: Also needs a lot of help. Caitlyn Moore: Most amazing personality, she is caring, funny, smart, an all round great person! Joel Hayes: He spoke to me and laughed at me for the first time ever yesterday! Really quiet, but seems nice and funny and yeah! Bronte Jordan: Uh, we used to be closer, really pretty but can't really remember her much! Maddison: Kempshall I'm guessing? He is really funny and a great kid and can trust him with heaps but he can get SO annoying!
Who said it was a 'he'?
Yes, that would be correct!
I don't like people. I like food.
Smoking, drugs, lies, not trustworthy.
You should be (:
I'm not naming them all cause I'm a dope and will most probably forget some and feel bad!
I have several!
Aha, ahahah :') How about? No.
I don't know, is he?
I don't know, how was it? (;
Come over tonight and we can suss shet out! (;
Well, we have a dilemma!
Yes sideways.
How cute! (: Go f*ck yourself, 6 times, with a boomerang, on a camel, in the desert. Sideways.