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1.3k Replies

*AMEN* to the hick stuff


meganpalte replied 3961 days ago 1

maybe the "hicks" u hungout with were idiots but don't group all hicks as the same people. So what they go out every weekend and drink? It's their social time. Yea some are complete idiots for drinking and driving but that's only a few people out of hundreds. Acastell

OMG READ MY LAST TWO REPLIES , some hicks are really nice people and ARE going places but they dont spend their free time getting into as much trouble theycan... they work ****in hard as farmers and dont blow every penny they makeon booze n drugs . n y the actual **** are YOU sticking up for the hicks? youre nowhere near one no matter how hard you try to be lol. not sure what you define your group as but you in no way can get offended to what im saying cuz it has NOTHING to do with yous. ++ i gaurentee you were the one to anonymously inbox the qoohs and this was meant to be anonymous too... so lol good on ya

meganpalte replied 3962 days ago

there are a ton of hicks and just because the ones you hung out with were "**** ups" doesn't mean they all are. Saying hicks are going " no where" is stupid because country kids are almost always better off then city kids. So watch your mouth

yeah whatever i thought it was obvious i was referring to the ones who only find fun in drinking every weekend even weekdays and then getting in vehicles with idiots who cant stand up straight, dont have or want jobs and dont have an interest in attending school and failing lol but sorry my opinion of them bothers you so much? ha

meganpalte replied 3968 days ago 2

You never hung out with the "hicks" cause none of then like you.

youre actually reeeeally stupid because for roughly half a year i was close with several until i began to realize all of them were **** ups,.... get yur facts straight please: )

meganpalte replied 3968 days ago

Who are th hick girls

whoever comes to mind when you hear those two words :)

meganpalte replied 3968 days ago

So, after all the chances you've given to kass, wth are you friends with her again for? You like hillbillies? Once a scab always a scab...just sayin

youre stupid and need to look up the definition for hillbilly... lmfao

meganpalte replied 3968 days ago

Why don`t you hangout with hicks anymore ?

lmao dont even get me started , i lost every inch or respect for them months ago when i realized none of them have respect for anything including themselves. almost everyone of the guys are all ***** pricks not to mention ****ing idiots for drinking and driving over and over for example. the girls lmfao omg they are so ****ing thirsty its actually hilarious yet somehow sickening. every "hick" is so high on themselves, yet 99% are scrawny as ballls and going NOWHERE in life, they think theyre so tough cuz they have big fancy trucks wooo hahah no its downright immature . watch a bunch of "hick" girls threaten me for this, simply stating my opinion lmao theres my rant

meganpalte replied 3968 days ago 3

that's not a no babe ;)

it is a no, cuz ur wierd

meganpalte replied 3971 days ago

birthday *ex? ;)

dude youre wierd

meganpalte replied 3971 days ago

ever ****ed in a vehicle

no lmao

meganpalte replied 3973 days ago

Ever ****ed in the shower


meganpalte replied 3973 days ago

Fave position

i sometimes play goalie in soccer?

meganpalte replied 3973 days ago

Where is the weirdest place you had *ex

ur moms bed

meganpalte replied 3973 days ago

wHen was the last time you had *ex

youd know

meganpalte replied 3973 days ago

How often do you have *ex


meganpalte replied 3973 days ago