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Wouldn't know
I know like way too many funny people to choose just one, but I have a fair few laughs with billy
Danielle so she can give me back massages (she's good with her hands)
Baths are filth
People have hurt me but I don't think my hearts been broken..
Lana Del Rey
I once spent $60 on undies and I still haven't worn them yet oops
I wouldn't want to live
Westy and his wife lol
Thank you, *exy thang
Being able know who sends all da h8
I forget but my older sister was in it, and it made me remember how close we used to be, life s*cks
If I could rewind the past
What's one thing I can forgive? Lol I'm heartless
God damn I fukd that one up. typical meeeeee
Loyalty without a doubt
Not forgiving people
Wouldn't even call him my ex but his eyes were picturesque
My mum because I'm hopeless
I honestly don't like receiving compliments, although I've been told a few things that should make me feel happier about myself
Things that shouldn't
*exxx and drugz
What I want to eat
I pretty much define the word failure.
All the people I sit with at lunch
Well fuk.. These are getting real weird
It's sad but there's not much I can do
Relationships do interest me, but I can't even deal with what I want to eat for breakfast let alone have a boyfriend... but if the chance comes I'll see what happens
Not sure, but I have liked all ages regardless of the **** that has happened
My dad
Sure go ahead :)
Do you think that's something I wouldn't notice? Hate myself about it enough.
I have an idea who you are, but I'm not 100% sure
Did you still want me to reply?
I want a family and I don't plan on having *ex with aliens
Don't worry
I'm so sorry, I feel bad.. I haven't been myself for a while, it's hard to explain
No it wouldn't, are you at xavier?
Sorry I've been distant lately. Did you message me on Facebook recently?
For many reasons, but I want to know why you say those things
Please tell me who this is
I'm not sure if you're being serious or if this is a joke
New hair colour?
Humour, great personality, cheekiness is something I look for tbh, loyalty is definitely included, knows how to dress lol, appearance isn't that important but I've got to be attracted to them and I loveeee good eyes. Intelligence is pretty important
Fuk school
A fukload
Mega, meggy
Down yo pants
How not to be a dikkkhead
I needed to clear my mind, I don't think I'll last very long having it again X
I've had this one before, lift your game you dog
I change my mind all the time, but I definitely do want some things
Feel free to touch it whenever
2-3 weeks ago, just the usual issues
Standard English and math, pe, art, biology and religion 2
I do, as much as I hate to admit it I want my sister back
Hard question, being at least happy 70% of the time would be ideal
im not good with cars
Wouldn't call it dating
I used to be fit and love sports, now I regret giving up
Hi LachySmithy
In my opinion, I'd go the small size and just chuck the tile person a mark brown rashie to get the whole bathroom done!
Easily Kit Harington
Around 2 tonne
It wasn't G rated
Probably shouldn't say on here HAHAHAH
A few things. Person that's been helping me out, and I leave for Melbourne in less than a week
Lately there's been a lot, and that's why I deactivated Facebook
Negative everything
To try be happy a lot more and to remove all negative things from my life
Oh hey Oscar, I didn't realise your name was LachySmithy on here hah
My family and people that I love
I don't know? I like my teeth
To be hairless
Oliver was a bit cranky that night
I rate him Oliver Brosolo
Pretty much everything, want to go back :(((((
St. John's?
It was all for the banter
I have quite a few, top of the list is heights
One with you in it
Judgemental and fake people
Both lovely people and Lucy is a gorgeous girl! Don't really know fletcher but he sounds like a nice guy. If you mean thoughts on them as a thing or something I'm all for it!!
He is definitely up there but he is also sweet when he wants to be