Meg Thornton
Why is it called a "building" when it is already built?
Idk why??????
Your so gorgeous I'm so JELLYYYYYY
Thoughts on Abbey? abbeyy_f
I am speechless she is everything to me
What is Abbey to you-
-hate her
Hi! I called you before and your mum answered. She is really nice and she said you will call me back tomorrow or something because you were not home so please call me tomorrow abbeyy_f
Sorry I was out
Lalalalalaallalkalaklalalalalalalalalalalalalalallakskaksaklaalalalalallalallalalalalalalalalalakakakkalla. GUESS YOU THIS IS????????
Abbey 100%
Heyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Who asked you who your crush was??? I'm so CONFUSEDDDDDDDD abbeyy_f
I think my sister
Your cousin blocked me abbeyy_f
Don't worry bout it
Why were you away today at school? abbeyy_f
Oh my god In going to Thailand tomorrow so see u next term! abbeyy_f
Bye going to miss u anbey
Is it cold in Melbourne because here is well over 30 degrees abbeyy_f
Sometimes it is cold and if it is warm the highest is at least 17 to 18
Im freaking out right now! Can you do me a favour? I'll tell you tomorrow at the movies!!! This is really important! abbeyy_f
Ok and I need to tell you something at the movies tomorrow as well abbey
Oh yes it was Daniel that posted that Ladam is our swag group coz it wasn't me and ante and Leah don't have instagram abbeyy_f
Ok abbey
If you HAD TO CHOSE to exemptions, who do you like the least out of Michelle, Danielle or Chloe in 5/6B!
That's easy there's no choose I like all of them
Ladam is our swag group
Bahahaha it is either abbey or Daniel I will have to go with Daniel because abbey has already posted two
Do I know you?
Who is this
Hi Meg! I need to talk to you at school, ok? abbeyy_f
Ok abbey
Hey Meg guess who it is
I am 100% sure I is abbey