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Meg Neville


be funny

2.2k Replies

Meg bro , Claire is a good person. You know that. I know you don't like the women but she doesn't deserve that. Peace out homie alyshabarraclough


megnev replied 3592 days ago 1

What is your nickname ?

I have multiple ones that different people call me

megnev replied 3593 days ago

Why don't you date Hayden?

Why don't you?

megnev replied 3598 days ago

Does Hayden have a job?

Ask him bro

megnev replied 3598 days ago

Pls end whatever u have with Hayden. You deserve way better like omg

Uh, no thank you. Perfectly happy with him, don't want anyone else. Nobody has a say in who I see, my decision and I like my decision.

megnev replied 3598 days ago

You and Josh need to hurry up and go out you's are the cutest

Hahahahaha I literally do not know what is going on we don't even speak

megnev replied 3598 days ago

What is the one thing that should be taught in school that isn’t already?

Fkn lyf

megnev replied 3598 days ago

What does your perfect day look like?

Being in bed

megnev replied 3603 days ago

What's the go with josh Bolitho then one of you's are lieing

I've never even kissed him, and why would I do anything with him when I'm with Hayden? The ****

megnev replied 3603 days ago

Bums are for pooing

True mate.

megnev replied 3604 days ago

I seen a photo of you ripping a bong I thought you were meant to be classy you're actually disgusting

Hahahaha what the hell, no photos of me doing that exist

megnev replied 3604 days ago

Why aren't you friends with Mikaela Alysha and Claire or did they move away ....????

I'm friends with Mikaela, just not really, really close anymore. Alysha and I aren't really friends anymore. And Claire's a piece of s.hit

megnev replied 3604 days ago

Do you and josh Bolitho still have a thing ? He told us boys that's you's don't anymore , you's just do **** but I reckon you's will go out eventually

Hahahaha wtf me and josh never had a thing and we have never done anything what the hell hahahaha

megnev replied 3605 days ago

Where and what are you doing at uni?

I'm going to Victoria Uni in Melbourne and I'm studying nursing. But not till next year

megnev replied 3605 days ago

Who are you closest friends that live in Albury?

Beth, literally

megnev replied 3605 days ago 1