What is the saddest thing in life?
Can money buy love?
Why are you such a mean person?
Cause I'm a *****
Who are you dating?
When pleasuring yourself;do you just rub your clit, or get knuckle deep?
All da waiiii
Last time you cried?
Saturday haha
Kiss any boys last night??
You stinn
Love you.
You're ****ing gross
Love you
You're supposed to give your thoughts on each...
What a let-down!
I don't have thoughts on them though.
Kim Kardashian? Richard Nixon? Sylvester Stallone in Rocky III AND IV?
Billy Stones and Tyron Manderson?
I have no idea who either of those people are
would u ever take it up the as*?
All day all night
Seriously. He showed us it one night and like a whole bunch of us saw it
Who was it -.-
Um well I don't want to make it too obvious. You were with him in the last 12 months but I dont want to give too much away
I think I call bullshi.t
I won't rat on the dude cause we are friends. But its someone you were with kinda recently, like not too long ago
How long ago are we talking?
Pretty sure you didnt know you were in it actually
Well who's the f.ucking creep videoing people they sleep with then hahaha.
Maybe ive already seen you in a homemade p*rno
Highly unlikely
Last 5 roots?
J.C, S.R, A.P, P.H, J.S
God I hope I come across u in a p*rno one day ahah
Hahahaha why?
You never will sozza
Just saying but your absolutely gorgeous :)
Thanks beb x
We're no strangers to love. You know the rules, and so do I...
Is that right?
Why would you make that picture of Paige? That's so mean!
Piss off Jeremy! Hahah
Bouts of anxiety brought on by rampant drug abuse during work hours?
How much more to it can there be?
Haha yeah massive druggo at work.
Nah it was because some days I was calling up less then two hours before a shift which I can't really help considering I was freaking out but ya know.
You know they can't discriminate against you because you have an anxiety disorder. LITIGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!
There was more to it though so I don't think I could of done anything about it.
Can you do the "Time Warp"? ;)
It's just a jump to the left
Why did you quit Maccas?
I had the choice to be fired or leave because of calling up sick with my anxiety **** so I left.
What's your problems with Jeremy i've only met him acouple of times and he seems like a great guy and he treats Mel right so you's should all back off about him! he treats her right! Bodsy
:) xx
so youre saying if i have 100 million dollars and can have paige lick my ****??
what will it take to have you and paige lick my ****??
Paige: 100 million dollars
Melissa: I wouldn't do it at all hahahah
cause u keep picking all the losers
dont think u are actually
Whys that?
u should find yourself a decent guy
I reckon I'm doing alright for myself actually
I hear your off the market these days
Pretty much :)
what is your fine arse doing tonight??
Playing cards with my parents and sleeping hahaha.
i say keep taking baths babe! yous 2 are so hot!
Hahah we will babe xo
why do you and paige take baths and showers together and always see each other naked if you arent even a little bi?
Haha just because we're comfortable around each other doesn't make us bi?
if you are with paige tonight, put some naughty pics of you on her snapchat story for me ;)
Ohhhhh if you're lucky.
trust me it is hahahah
maybe ill dance with you and grab some arse at the albion tomorrow night if you go ;)
I don't understand why hahaha.
Yeah I'm going! See ya there ;)
its complicated, but with your perfect face and paige's ghetto BOOTAY id be in heaven!!!
Complicated?? Whaaaat? I get that ghetto b**ty all to myself tonight ;)
i cant say, im not allowed to ;)
What do you mean you're not allowed to? Haha
my biggest fantasy is having you and paige to myself
Oh really? Who's this? ;)
Hey Mel :) just wanted to say f&&k the haters I don't reckon u have funny eye brows an your one of the hottest *****es I know lol
Love you anon xo
Love you to Mek. This is why I don't want to live on this planet anymore. People like whoever is giving you ****. So sad and pathetic. How bored they must be? And how dumb?! You don't choose how your hair grows! ****. Tany.sofetch
Yeah exactly. Although I know the only reason they're giving me **** is because I'm retaliating to their **** in the first place and giving them what they want because they obviously think they're just so perfect themselves. I can't choose the way I look and I've decided that if my eyebrows are the only thing I'm being picked on about, I am a happy chappy :) let's leave earth? Hahah
Some people are retarded. You don't walk into a salon, ask them to make you look like Cameron Diaz, and come out lookin like Jay Z. It's not actually like white chicks. Hahaha stupid idiot. You're *exy. Tany.sofetch
Love you xox
Sorry, dude, but they don't look like a professional has done them.
Well, dude, a professional has done them, it's just the shape of my eyebrows, I'm sorry I don't have a perfect f.ucking shaped eyebrow. Kindly remove yourself from my Facebook cause you're obviously no friend of mine you rude f.uck.
If you're upset about your eyebrows why don't you get them professionally done? :)
I've been getting them professionally done since I was in grade 6 dude.
Wasn't meant as an insult
Well it was an insult in my eyes but whatever
Are you worried that Nike could initiate litigation against you for trademark infringement because of your eyebrows?
Wow, okay thanks :(
You were so nice, what happened to you? Haha
Excuse me? Haha. How am I not nice anymore?
Would you seriously ever have *ex with a girl?
No, s.hitttttt
How's your *ex life?
They should all feel bad.
Who? :s
do you toss salad much??
would you like someone to be assigned to toss your salad??
what im trying to say is, may i toss your salad??
if i was trapped on a desert island with you
id toss your salad
can i toss your salad??
Wussy country kids. Just ask her.
They wouldn't
I wish. I'm to scared. You'll be all like, aaaah no.
Hahah. Okay.
I'm saying this anonymously, so the chances of me taking you on a date, are pretty slim.
Don't be a p.ussy. Hahha.
Wouldn't mind taking you on a date! Such a pretty girl!
C'mon then.
My mummy says I cant talk to you, cause you say bad words.
Your mummy is a twit.
Who is a person you don't know very well and would like to know better?
Umm I dunno
Who is the most exciting person you know
A lot of people are exciting in my life hahah
The most boring person you know?
If I inbox you can we skip dinner and just root? pppaigefxox
Anything for you my darling ;)
If I inbox you can we go out for tea or something and root after it?
Hahahah. Inbox me I dare ya.
I want you inside of me
I just have to say, you are an amazing girl and you have the most perfect body ;) I'd love to cuddle you xo
Well I grabbed your t*** in the dream. So yes
Oh baby ;)
Kebabby date?
You mean kebab yeah? If so yes :)
You were in my dream last night..
Was it a wet dream? I wouldn't blame you if it was.
Juggle the nuggets
u threw it at scutchings the s***my ****
'I don't just throw my cat at everyone'
Oh my god, best thing ever. God love ya Mel. Tany.sofetch
Hahah yeah I'm pretty great ;)
Love you and miss you!
Don't throw my cat everyone....
Until you drink a f.uck ton of vodka and turn into a w.hore... ;) hahahah pppaigefxox
Hahahahah **** off *****, you love me ;)
Had the chance and i said no at the time, thought i might try again.
What about just a b*** j** then, Any secret?
Tequila shots, Chocolates, dress up as a elephant?
Good luck getting one from me hahah
So whats the secret to get in your pants?
There isn't. I don't sleep with many people, I don't just throw my cat at everyone.
Don't worry. You aren't better than this site :)
You are so much better then this site.
Lol it's a bit of fun. How am I better then this site?
hes rank and a dero
Haha okay
ewww why?
He's not actually that bad. Hahah yolo.
did you and scutchings actually hook up?
Look it's going to happen! ;)