Melissa Apostolovska
Honestly I hope you and Oskar are together forever. Cutest couple x
Awww thank you, so do i
What did you last dream about?
HAHAHAHH, hmm Chloe cam knows
Friend you cannot live without?
Oskar even though his my boyfriend also cam
What upsets you?
Not being able to see Oskar :(
You should really answer your inbox from chloe
Mybz not
Which celebrity would you leave your girl or boyfriend for?
Zac effron, Dylan o'brien, dave franco
how do you even find time to see Oskar
Its extremly hard
how do you get your point So good???
Hard work, stretching every night
What is your nickname?
Smelly melly, or just mel
How long would you like to live for?
Until Oskar dies
what do you honestly think of alicia hueso? most people say nice stuff but is it true
Love her to bits, bubbliest girl, bright personality, such a crazy ***** and yes it is true she is quiet a nice girl
What happened between you and Chris
You going sims
No have an 18th
Aren't you and Chris friends anymore?
Yeah we are :")
lol aren't you meant to get with the guy before you go out with them..
AHAH funny ask Oskar that
Oskar got with me last night, whatcha gonna do about it huh
Ha ha cuteeee
You don't even like Oskar, stop using him. He deserves so much better than you
Ahahahah yeah **** right off
What is success to you?
why do you dance so much lol, dancing isn't a sport
Lol kys
thoughts on, Michael elbitar, Jarrod Bosnar
Ha ha nice boys
Oskar doesn't like you, so why do you like him ?
Im just using him so shhh
thoughts on Jake Vicic
Cool :)
What type of an*** lube to you use?
Get off my rim HAHAHAH
Fav people at the moment
Definetly not Oskar
Oskar's so ugly ew
If you could delete one thing from this earth what could it be?
SPIDERS, but then there would be heaps of flies so idk
Thoughts on abe your babe
Fav bestie so easy to talk to
How ugly is Oskar on a scale of 1-10
Kaibabbbie tomorrow ~ ~ ♥
Mhhhhh yummy
Favourite people at your school and out of your schoo?
In school: skye, Agnesa, Abraham and a few others
Out: Oskar, cam, Jamie, Zoey and also a few others cant think atm
What foundation do you recommend?
Depends what type you like, good quality would be MAC but its pretty expensive
r u going balatis' party?
Have you done your holiday homework
Lol no
hottest year 10 boys any school
Oskar's the ugliest
OMG wtf you and jasmine b are cousins. Wot
You're ugly lol
Shut up Oskar
The most boring person you know?
3 best friends like sister type
Chloe, Zoey and Jamie
melly poooh I love you .. ♥
Love you too Pumba <3
You actually going?
Going school Friday?
Oath, love getting holiday homework
Do you find Chris attractive
I guess in a bestfriend way
what foundation do you use :)
I rarely use foundation i use powder but when I do its maybelline mousse
what school you go too
Vusc brimbank
Do you usually see Chris Vicic
Not really, but we still are close
The best movie so far in 2014?
Ooo nah thats fkn hard
Who do you miss right now?
My baba and dedo
What is your favorite piece of clothing?
Dance shorts and a croppy
Pick a number between 1-12
Are you going to the year 10-11 camp
The only reason why boys talk to you is because of your boo*s. That's not something you should be proud of.
Funny thing is not a lot of boys talk to me anyways ****head most of them are my mates that have spoken to me even before they noticed my t***, and i never said i was proud so get your facts right xx
What bores you about people ?
When they take things to seriously
Thoughts on
Jake v
Blake s
Kye r
Tom n
Jake: my slag, love him lots
Blake: such a **** but probs the funniest person ever
Kye: seems like a lovely kid
Tom: really funny and nice
And don't worry about the haters on here , they hate because they ain't you :) oxoxox
Your a beautiful girl inside and out , you are younger than me and you inspire me, your so positive! Also you are such a good dancer! See you tomorrow morning at dancing.. Lol try and guess who this is :)?
Awww this is the sweetest, thank you and aha i have no clue
Thoughts bailey b
Nick t
Bailey: so funny, cute
Nicky: beaut, lovely boy
thoughts on Jason t
**** yeah his someone i miss, love him, great to talk to, always there for me
do not answer this
***** does it look like i care, no
Best boys from school
abe, james, darko and kavishy also a few others
4 faaahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahaahha
ahahhaha i don't care ahahhahaha
watching 2 broke girls and doing maths homework hbu anon
thoughts on mason mackay
Did you see vca when you were at malthouse?
yeah walked past it
Name your top 2 best friends
Chloe cam, Skye bakens
Do you miss anyone, do you miss any close friendships, who do you miss
I miss my humpfrey but other than her i didnt have any close friendships
How many guys have you kissed or hooked up with?
4 :P
your snapchat?
Your father's name?
Dobre :PP
we use to be friends, but now you dont talk to me like we use to
why dont you talk to me anymore?
Who are u
finish the song
Straight out of compton a nigga named ...
I have no idea ahahha
People you miss talking to ?
Your source of happiness?
Dancing, Hayday, Max and my sisters/best friends
Aw theodoress, your quiet attractive and i miss your face
Beautiful boy, miss you fatty
The greatest moment in your life ?
Being able to say i danced on sunset blvd
Char is such a ****ing cow to you I want to knock her out
Who was the first person you dated?
Never had a boyfriend gosh qoohme stop reminding me :(
What do you think about the most?
Dance and sleep
Who do you share most of your secrets with?
Chloe cam
Inbox me you sheep :P
You inbox me
What does a sheep sound like?
Like for a inbox cuties !!
please answer my chris question THIS IS SERIOUS xxx
how did you steal chris from charlotte?? this is a legit question because i want tips xxx
I DIDNT STEAL CRHIS FROM CHARLOTTE AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHA Chris and i are best friends and thats all we will be
Such a cute girl, so nice and really great gymnast x
You always make me smile :)
I love you but hate you, we're so close when we talk but when we don't its like i dont know you, you'll always be my bestfriend though I can tell you anything and i know you will always be there for me like i am for you, okayyyyy chrisicans
You're ridiculously pretty
Aww thats adorable
What would you like to ask God?
what's next
Inbox me on facebook
don't have facebook atm
I wanna be cute with you.
Thoughts on Jordan chircop?
No idea who you are soz