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Moet'ie dom goede vra nie?❤

113 Replies

Hoekm is Kayla di grootste hoer?
Ken sy hoe kak dit is vr onse skool
Sy moet reg kom

Brahhhhh los daai ons duni soa nie
Dis 2018 kom mahn toe?

melly.16 replied 2063 days ago

Fake A$$
fck you
fck Kayla
fck your friends

Real A$$ and you know it?
Sies man go away with your vuil mond?
Nxa hoe voel jy?

melly.16 replied 2069 days ago

Nou ek hoor dan jy en Ilario het uitgegaan?hy was my stuk gewees?

Etsee en toe????
Hai sorry chomie girl is dan nou nie my skuld nie?
Gaan probeer weer miskien kom jy reg??

melly.16 replied 2072 days ago

Have you ever been in a situation where you and a friend drank a lot of water and ended up stuck someplace without restrooms?

Uhhh not that I can remember ?

melly.16 replied 2091 days ago

Maak ons aan die naweek vir jou b-day???

Ahttt brah, niks van daai??
Ons bly by die huis en kyk tv❤?

melly.16 replied 2129 days ago



melly.16 replied 2129 days ago


Nhe ek kyk manet tv enj????

melly.16 replied 2129 days ago

Jy en Ilario mk actually n mooi couple?

Uhmmm okay??

melly.16 replied 2129 days ago

What's going on between you and Illario? You two took photos together today?

Go far far away asb en dankie?❤
It's actually not your business sooooooooo?
Maar ons is net bras?

melly.16 replied 2131 days ago

Beeldskoon verby???

Choss chosssss??

melly.16 replied 2132 days ago

whats your instagram details?

Hoe nou??

melly.16 replied 2133 days ago

When is your birthday?

Nou die dag?
16 September❤?

melly.16 replied 2134 days ago


Soa ñ lekke stuk❤??

melly.16 replied 2134 days ago

Can I get your #?

Ahttts ekt my nommer vergeet??

melly.16 replied 2134 days ago

Why are you such a mean person, it's not as if you're pretty

Ahhh darling?
Why you gotta hate tho??

melly.16 replied 2134 days ago