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Mel Summerfield


Just do itttt

973 Replies

Your t*** make me *****

Thanks means heaps I guess ok bye

melxx replied 3183 days ago

Whats annoying you right now?

When people always lying

melxx replied 3205 days ago

Whats your snapchat name


melxx replied 3212 days ago

If you could only wear one piece of clothing for the rest of your life, what would it be?

My one piece

melxx replied 3212 days ago

You are offered a pill that makes you 25% more intelligent but permanently removes your hair including eyebrows. Do you take it?

With that extra 25% intelligence I can get a mint job and pay for eyebrows and hair

melxx replied 3217 days ago

What Susie says of Sally, says more of Susie, than Sally.
Do you agree or nah?

I agree man

melxx replied 3226 days ago

Why aren't you famous?

I am

melxx replied 3228 days ago

What offends you ?

When people bully my hair

melxx replied 3232 days ago 2

I thought I was logged in.. Opps. Tbh on me, Cameron Atkin :)

Haven't seen you in about 5 years!!! Always had tonnes of fun tho and did the most fcked up stuff! Miss ya (:

melxx replied 3238 days ago

Who's your most loyal boyfriend you have had in the past and do you miss him?

Tbh I've only dated two guys and it lasted like 2 weeks so it doesn't even count really so I'm gonna go with no one

melxx replied 3238 days ago 1

What is the worst trend you participated in?

I'm a trendsetter

melxx replied 3238 days ago

Which car would you buy if you are extremely rich?

I am rich and I'm buying a bmw 320i e90

melxx replied 3243 days ago

How old will you be in 2030 ?

Like 32

melxx replied 3249 days ago

You act as if your stupid, like you're clueless. But you're not, your smart. I'm not talking book and school smart. But you understand life a lot better than you lead on

I understand a lot of things I just keep them to myself

melxx replied 3254 days ago

Thoughts on Hayley street lol how are you even friends with her

How are you even friends with urself after that comment gtfo Hayley's a sik cnt

melxx replied 3254 days ago 1 1