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23 Replies

Hi, do you have a lot of friends on Instagram? write to me on instagram, my profile is here http(del)://instagram,com@013417663404/8627866 lauraun259

Hit me up on @melz_mashimane

melz_mashimane replied 1948 days ago

When are you releasing that beautiful piece you once shared on your instagram story?

Hopefully 2019 but not sure it will depend on so many things...Who are you and why did you hide yourself?

melz_mashimane replied 2381 days ago

What's the book you're currently reading?

Born a crime - Trevor Noah
About to read "These things really happen to me" by Khaya Dlanga

melz_mashimane replied 2381 days ago

What's your dream car?

Rolls Royce Wraith???

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

Whats your opinion on gay people? Are you comfortable around them?

I have no problem with them. I'm comfortable with them on a professional level but beyond that my comfort gets jeopardized.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What did/do you hate about UKZN?

Nothing except 7:45 lectures. They are the worst because they reminded me of high school.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

Advice you'd give to a younger version of yourself?

Firstly thank you, for not giving up on yourself. Put you head up, chin up and don't break there's always light after every dark cloud you'll face.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

Where would you like to have your dream house at?

Locally: Clifton Cape Town.
Outside the country: London, UK.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago 1

What is your biggest fear in life?

Going back to where I came from.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What has growing up in the hood taught you?

A lot of things. One of them is patience, knowing your circle, investing in yourself, to strive for a better tomorrow, once you get out never look back except you want to assist a like minded thinker or else it will swallow you for good I've seen it happening to many people.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What's the deepest pain that you've ever felt?

Losing a parent and have the ones you trust and love turning their backs at the same time, More like kicking a dog while its down. But life is bigger and beyond those obstacles because there's also a better life post those obstacles once you've conquered them.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What goal do have for this year, that you see will add value to you and your life?

I have so many. But one of them is to finish tertiary.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

Why do you love creating content so bad?

I feel I have a footprint to leave behind and creating content that is positive and inspirational is the easiest route to take in accomplishing that.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What is you currently working on?

I'm working on myself.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago

What's your biggest achievement?

Doing my final year in Geography and Environmental Management and also starting something that will change people's paradigms with my friends.

melz_mashimane replied 2431 days ago