halsey, justin bieber, drake, ed sheeran, nicki minaj. etc.
mgrey replied
3256 days ago
Which talent you wish you had ?
to read everyone's mind.
mgrey replied
3258 days ago
mgrey replied
3258 days ago
opinion on emma????????
emma is the cutest girl in the whole world and she's like family to me and i love her so much and she's so beautiful and strong and smart.
mgrey replied
3259 days ago
aye how you doin lil mama lemme whisper in your ear cristinayang
get ya nasty mouth away from me
mgrey replied
3259 days ago
you profile pic is hot like damn and that qooh name is awesome ilovevana
you're so cute, i know my profile is hot and i know, i'm so glad that i got this url before anyone. ((:
mgrey replied
3260 days ago
who's your idol and why?
justin bieber. and not because he's hot. lmao. i've loved his music and him ever since he came out and i am so proud of him and how he's come back from mistakes he's made and how he's stronger now. but even before, he was in a period of time where he was hurting, he was still my idol. honestly, he's my idol because of how happy he can make me, from just seeing a picture of him, smiling or laughing.
What's the one moment in your life you wish was recorded?
i can't think of any. tbh.
mgrey replied
3260 days ago
i like you a lot
who you.
mgrey replied
3262 days ago
what's your favorite movie??????
it'll always be the blind side.
mgrey replied
3262 days ago
do u forgive emma for being a really shtty friend
-totally not emma
emma is not a shtty friend, she's an amazing friend. stop, babes. i love you.
mgrey replied
3262 days ago
hi mami. ??
mgrey replied
3262 days ago
i am not saying my first one because it's embarrassing af but my 2nd was "FlirtingBaby" and my friend picked it bc i got deleted on my very first account, like who even picks that kind of url lmao
mgrey replied
3263 days ago
bc ur not justin bieber :((
im ur favorite right :(( impassionate
ur my fav gomez other than myself, feel special
who's your favorite female artist
What do you want more than anything else in the world ,right now ?
my baby.
mgrey replied
3263 days ago
who do you love most in the world?
my dad and justin bieber. :))
mgrey replied
3264 days ago
if u could change anything in the world
what would it be
for my dad to have his health back.
mgrey replied
3264 days ago
you're perfect
you're perfect, babes.
mgrey replied
3264 days ago
fav song rn?
no sense by justin bieber
will u marry me?
mgrey replied
3264 days ago