Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
aw cheers
If you don't like how I present myself, then unfollow/unfriend me? Maybe then you won't be tempted to spit your toxicity ?
can't say we're as close as we used to be a couple years back but hey, so kind toward me and is always available for advice. his filming has such talent too, catch up soon x
Hahaha you make me giggle, go get a hobby other than harassing me on anonymous please darling, it's concerning :/ x
Hahahaha get over yourself
Funny that
Sorry for any inconvenience I may have caused you or your family xox
Watch ur step ;-)
Nothing against her?
Look I'll tell you what
Seems like a good guy
miaxmannik yewww
msg away grrrl
Pries on catholic grls ;)))
Look it's a full time job, requires dedication && resilience !!
So accepting && loving toward me which I'm so grateful for. Seriously a bright light in the dark, love her to pieces xoxox
Look, 78 might be pushing it?
Whatever u say darl :-) x
Actually so inlove w her and everything she is. Clicked instantly when I first met her and literally haven't looked back since. SO easy to talk to about everything and not to mention the most beautiful girl inside and out. Can always have the best time when I'm around her, and I'm happy that she's found herself someone special xo
That's what the bartender said
Going into 9 :))))
Nothing, because it's none of my fcking business :-) capish?
fck man go outside or something
Matt Pearce's head is my inspiration
It's a tough one
Honest I accept her for who she is, she's happy doing her thang so leave her alone :-)
Aw how insensitive of you xox
Look probably not
Depends what mood I'm in :--)
Only if you're paying xoxox
I supply banter by living excuse u
Yeah look good question
Occasionally falling out of trees & snapping my arm :---)
Sunnyboy's no longer getting sold honestly
Used to be close, not so much anymore but is a great guy & we should catch up
Pissing wherever you want damn u
You've well & truly confused me
Who what
He'd honestly charge extra for me
Don't know him
Honestly ur pointless questions would be missed a lot bby
Catches a nice fish
I'm madly in love with Grace Britton
Don't know her that well but she's so nice and wow she's stunning x
Spend too much time answering your dumb questions hbu???
Good one annon
Lord jesus
Omg!1!1 It was supposed to be secret plsssss don't tell anyone!!1!2
Lord Jesus where do I begin
Powell? Don't really know him but seems like the funniest guy
Not fkn caring about anything
Drifted heaps but such a guuud guy in general, have so many memories with & can always have a laugh when I'm around him
Was so closer to her awhile ago but drifted heaps which is sad but really need to catch up because she's the most gorg girl evaaaaa x
Don't really know her but got nothing against her x
Same goes buddy boo
Pretty cool chicka babe x
Actually get along so well, easiest person to be around. I love everything you stand for and how we have so many things in common. So fkn gorgeous and I'd love to get closer. Love you girlfrand xxxx
Makes me feel like the happiest girl alive
Omg love you so fkn much, have the biggest laughs when I'm around you. Most gorgeous girl evaaaaaa
Gorgeous as, don't really know you anymore though x
I don't speak what ur putting across sozzzzzz
Used to be really close, but since she's moved don't really know her anymore x
Sleepy sleepy
Grab me as I fall - Poncho
No hereeeeee :-)
Used to be one of my closest friends but drifted heaps. Buuut still love him to freakin bits, need to catch up xxxx
Weeeell Jack got me two blocks of chocci yesterday so
Drifted a lot but still have a lot of good memories w her :-)
Fantasy- Alina Baraz
Such a gorgeous and caring chicka, drifted a lot which is disappointing but still share some of the best memories w her x