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Michael Rubino



23 Replies

Dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like me? Owen.pugh

Heyy Owen and she is

michael_bino replied 4051 days ago

5 boys you miss from primary 5 girls you miss from primary and why

Jordan Lachlan James Daniel xavier

Shilo Paris Jemma Sarah T Alana

michael_bino replied 4052 days ago

Thoughts on Niamh in our grade?

Quiet, fast rubber seems nice

michael_bino replied 4057 days ago

Thoughts on sophie mc??

She's pretty cool, easy to talk to, funny, good runner and a great friend

michael_bino replied 4058 days ago

Thoughts on Emma Dyzel :D

She's ok

michael_bino replied 4060 days ago 1

I'm sorry I can't tell you who I am but I'm happy for you and Adele very happy 😥😢 but all I can tell you is that I like you and some day you will find out I like you and maybe you like me back idk but tht's my story

Who the hell r u???

michael_bino replied 4061 days ago



michael_bino replied 4061 days ago

Umm... I like u and I'm in your clas* I don't really talk to you but I like u plzz I want to tell u that I like u but I can't I don't know why plzz go out with me!!

Who r u just tell me I won't even respond to the question

michael_bino replied 4061 days ago

Thoughts on burcote

Really cool girl funny easy to talk to

michael_bino replied 4062 days ago

Thoughts On Emma Dyzel? And did u qoohme her saying shes a attention *****??

No and she's ok

michael_bino replied 4062 days ago

Hey Michael it's Tarzan Taran101


michael_bino replied 4064 days ago

Hey Michael, Its Emma :P

Oh heyy

michael_bino replied 4066 days ago

uhm ok first of all, all of u dumb haters should go get a life! adele is gorgeous! michael and adele r amazing together, honestly ur all just jelous cause their realtionship is better than urs. ur all a pack of dogs! leave michael alone!
Thanks: Anonymous ;)

Thanks :) who ever u r

michael_bino replied 4066 days ago

Adele is an ugly Bit**

No she\'s not whoever u r can go get a life. Ur just jealous

michael_bino replied 4069 days ago

I hate school so much I'm gonna murder it and then eat it and then poop it and the throw it at it's self! grace_corvo

Haha ur weird

michael_bino replied 4069 days ago