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My Mum was a big high time criminal and was a fraudulent but the main thing was that she was rich
Love you too anon
Who is this!????
Yes unfortunatley i did :'(
Uhmmmm i dont even know.... EVERYTHING
Criminal actions !
Awwww thanks ahahaha yeahh she looks alot like her father but she does have some of my features like her eyes.
Want me to say your name here !?
Hahhaha i know who this is !!! And glad you did !
David Antonio Morales
Of course my linda bean!!
Hmmmm well i miss everyone were just not close anymore
Yeah only person i truly miss would be tayne
Delivering my baby girl into this world and my life
Maths -.-
I just wanna live
probz become an alien so I can join them haha!
Im not dating anyone because ive got a daughter to look after