Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
I'm just going through a lot at the moment, that's all.
I've had plenty of days like that.
What sort of question is that?
Whenever I want to be lol
Hahaha ****..
Haha I can be.
We have been through way too much and we have both risked a lot to be together and for me to give up on him would be selfish. Thanks :)
I love him too much to leave him. For a whole 6 months, he was the most amazing guy, I can't let a few months ruin us if I believe things will go back to normal and he will be that sweet guy I once knew. He never gave up on me when I wasn't so good to him. I will leave when I know for a fact that he's just toying with me.
It's definitely something I need to have a good think about, thanks for the motivation though :)
It's a lot more complicated then that.
I'm 80% positive about joining the army :)
My family & friends from Albury.
Yep!! But so worth it.
Haha yeah :) Back when I had friends :p
I'm just trying to keep positive but thanks for telling me something I already know.
I miss those days! Who is this? xo
I bet he is but there's no point being jealous if he doesn't give a **** about how I feel about you talking to him lol.
Moving back to Albury only cause I miss my family & few friends.
I can't even remember the last time I was drunk..
I'm who is this?
I guess so..
Wait.. What? That made no sense.
Got my act together. I didn't let what anyone was saying get to me and put myself first for once instead of worrying about everyone else thought of me.
I didn't get hurt neither did the person that I hit but my car was damaged :(
Texting whilst driving which resulted in an accident :/ Never again will I dare to do that.
Add me on facey :))))
Thanks :)
My boyfriend wanted me to delete all of these photos he didn't approve of so I deleted it. I made a new one, follow me. mikaelahhofmann :)
Inbox me and I'll let you know.
Lol you clearly don't know anything about me.
I took a lot of **** from people, went through hell. went down the wrong track, made a million mistakes and pretty much learnt from it all. But I give credit to my boyfriend, he made me realise that I was capable of getting somewhere in life :)
I weigh 52kgs which is healthy for my height & age. I bet you're a fat w h o r e. No need to be jealous ;)
Thanks :)
I ain't breaking up with my boyfriend and I'm not coming back to Albury. So, good luck with that one you creep.
My Aunty Chels of course, I miss her like crazy as well! xxx
MY MUM, Kellie Hofmann :)) xxx
Hayden, every second of the day :$
Who is this? :/
I had to find out the hard way, that's for sure!
Haha no!!! Her and her mum have mental problems
Probz not..
You're funny...
Who is this?
Thanks but if anything, I'm pretty lucky to have Hayden.
I actually have a chin, just probably not as big as your ugly b*m chin. My cheeks are chubbier then others but there not as big as your putrid head. I don't think I'm better then anyone, I'm just not letting someone as gutless as you, make me feel **** about myself.
You're just jealous I'm *exier then you ;) haha
I bet you hate your life haha.
Ashford, Adelaide.
Your family? What the ****?
My ex.
In 3 weeks I will be :))))
There an ex for a reason. Stay the **** away!!!!!
Inbox me? Lol.
Yeah, no. Would never think it would work.
9, including the guy I'm with now.
Hayden Keogh, Zachary Page, Tray Lawrence, Mitch Pleasance, Josh Carroll, Chris Owen, Jake Pohlner, Jake-Fisher-Curnow, Alex Whitting, Kieran Ford.
Who is that? xx
Always honest :) Who is this? xx
Your mouth is full of teeth when it shouldn't be!!!
KASS, despite the **** we have said about each other and our differences I'd say she was one of the girls I was always jealous of and the only girl I thought would get far in life and commit herself to a guy she truly loves. She is strong willed and beautiful, inside and out. ANNIE, we only got along with each other cause we had to not because we actually liked each other. She's said a lot of **** about me and I honestly think that she is a back stabbing *****. RAECH, she has a heart of gold and has always been there for me. I love her to bits and will always consider her a friend even if we don't talk as much as we to. JAKI, her kid is a lucky one! She knows what she wants and is determined to do anything to get there, she was one of the girls at Xavier that I got along with well and knew she could keep any secret I told her. She was never judgmental but wouldn't be afraid to tell you the truth. CHEYANNE SEYMOUR, ****ING DIRTY **** AND I HATE HER GUTS!!!! Nothing but a **** talking, trouble maker and does nothing better with her life then **** little boys and **** other peoples boyfriends. I hate her gutsssssssss, I hate her, I hate her AND I will kick her head into a gutter if I ever see her again. GEORGIA BUTT, honestly never really liked her and don't know her well enough to say much about her so yeah.
I shouldn't really be answering this question cause I have a boyfriend. Lets just leave it at, I took his virginity haha.
I'm pretty sure I have a chin you dumb ****.
Nothing to be jealous of!
I like brown because it hides the fact that I'm a dumb blonde and matches my dark eyebrows but I'd say I prefer blonde because it's my natural colour.
My eyes are probably the only thing I like about myself, thanks :) xx
Honestly, my legs. I hate being as skinny as I am. Bony isn't attractive.
I have no idea, maybe its their way of making themselves feel better. I have definitely not had *ex with the amount of people say I have and I have learnt self respect after a naked photo got sent around in year 8 lol. That's years ago and people should move the **** on.
Thanks :)
My boyfriend to be with me
Haha uhm yeah.. We didn't date. I only ever dated Charlie Williams at Xavier
Jono Lukassen.
Most of the boys in year 12.
To pick up my friends boyfriend from the airport. He flew all the way from Darwin to meet her, so cute!
No way! Hayden is so whipped haha
Awh f*** haha. My bad. Hayden Keogh is the only guy I think is hot :)
Yeah but I've only ever had 1 serious relationship. The others have only lasted at least 2 weeks and that's including primary school as well haha.
Wodonga must have a pretty small population if I've dated half? Haha. I just don't like Albury boys as much. I don't know man?
I don't believe you, lick a Dic*.
- Hayden Keogh - Dion Ludorf - Michael Pertzel - Cody Carter - Josh Holley - Steven Hyatt - Chris Heald - Ethan Hutchison - Sam Keating - Bobby Schnieder - Campbell Ingram - Jordan Moore - Nathan Pascoe - Jarrod Murray That's all I can remember lol.
Nothing compared to you!
Yeah, I try my hardest to ignore it and that's pretty much all I can do cause if I stick up for myself it ends up ten times worse for me. I'll be fine though. Thanks :) xx
Awh thanks! It's nice to know someone thinks that of me.
Thanks :)
Inbox me? Lol
Elo Murray, she's really nice, gives good advice and is heaps pretty :) rnTahlia Clacy, don't know her. rnJaymi Gordes, didn't like her for ages cause she was talking **** about me to my ex but I don't mind her now that I'm not dating Cody anymore. rnMontana Britton, I don't really know her that well.