Yes you actually are really good at singing and dancing!!!
I'm not, and I know because I get a lot of crap on it, my videos go viral around school
The link to your blog isn't working hiney
Oh sorry, it's on my wall somewhere
Lol cos you write you write things on your own qooh.me
I don't to myself no
can I have a link to your blog?? xxx
How did u know I had a blog? And I haven't written on it for while it's aloeandcu***ber.blogspot.com
you should upload more singing and dancing videos!! you're amazing!!
I am?
I care about others I ain't friends with.. It's just enemies, they are annoying
R u saying I'm annoying or just saying a comment?
What have you learned today?
That no one cares about others they rnt friends with
its wasnt max and that made no sense
And it was ask him urself
You seem to be good friends with max and I would just like to tell you that he has said some very rude things to you behind your back so just watch out XD
Haha this is max now I haven't said **** mate so go **** a donkey
Where are all these singing videos? I wanna see! Also I think you're an excellent dancer!
you think you're cool
your not
I don't think I'm cool. I don't think I'm anything
you do flirt with every guy you meet
I don't do it intentionally.
do you think you're pretty?
No, I'm not pretty. And I'm pretty sure alpt of people would agree I'm not
do you cut? you wear alot of bracelets x0x0x0x
No and dont intend to... All my bracelets have memories behind them and I like them
do you have to flirt with EVERY guy that you try to talk to?
most desperate person i have ever met im scared you will flirt with me and im a girl..
I can't even flirt so how do I flirt if I can't..?
dont ever sing in clas* again you will make me deaf
Ok I will. Just. Cause. I. Can.
you are the rudest meanest person i have ever met i hate you so much and if you ever come near me again you better watch it. you are so up yourself and you make me sick to see anyone walk this earrth with a personality like yours x0x0x
I have a bad feeling this is one of my ex or best friends...
stop messaging yourself you cant sing or dance.
I'm messaging myself?
what happened between you and max that you had to have that big outburst at school?
U wouldn't understand
you have no talent
I know I dont
do u think ur pretty
No I dont
Your secret admirer,
PS- I don't want to reveal who I am, as I feel it could potentially ruin our beautiful friendship <3
My dinner was nice :)
That's great!
who is your best friend in 8A? from z______
wat does z_____ mean? like from the end of the alphabet or starts with z?
you look like an angel when you sleep...
creepy much?
Wasn't Chen April I'm Chen I was having dinner
oh ok how was ur dinner???
Stay away from my banana u banana stealer she's mine -_- watching u
i no shes urs
I love u April! Max
Ok this isn't max...
okay, I think you're a better singer than the tall Amelia chick
she;'s such a tryhard, noone likes jazz
Who is this?? Cause seriously Amelia is better
what are your thoughts on megan <3
Wat... Do u mean the food or Alana...? Is this CHEN?
Oh so it's max?
are you going to go on xfactor cause i would do it with you maybes xo :)
Um i don't think so because according to my mum I can't sing and no doubt I will just embarras* myself but I'll do it with you.. If I new who this was...
Why do you like **** ?? :)
If the **** means kipp no and someone I like is not the closest of my friends because we have had a fight recently and just become friends again
Go out with me April??? Max
This isn't max if so prove it
do you like your new school better than heathdale?
I'd have to say not really both pretty even! I love both
If ur not jasmine who are you
oh yes u r!
How far would u go wif a guy lol
far as in what base? kiss no farther until older
You know who I am haha ^.^
So...am I hot?! :D
yes jas u are!!!
i will on sunday maybe
Tbh..I think your se*i ;)
thank you.... who r u and i will tell u if i think ur hot!
miss jasmine at least type a word
do u recon ur any good singing coz im probz btter
nah im not gd at singing but everyone asks me to post vids so i do
Do you think I am hot April?
PS~Be honest (: xo
depends on who u r
ahhh, i give up! You don't even remember the annon message I sent you..You thought it was someone else
oh jasmine hi
That there was no point in me telling you it
telling me what?
Your a very good singer and dancer!
thank you
Who do u like? :)
someone very special...
you're actually a really good dancer.
Thank you
why do you try and look cute by making your eyes all big?
My eyes r big anyways !! Y u so annoyIng?
I love peter!! This is actually not jasmine and I love u but u don't relise it - from peters secret admirer!
Y r u telling me this?
no that wasn';t jasmine
your actually so beautiful, i love you, you are gourgous and so strong and funny and one of my closest freidns!! love you se*xxxy <3
Is this jasmine again?
It's not creepy, it's pas*ion :(
It's still creepy
No, have some faith in the world.
It's not Jasmine, screwing everything up like always.
It's me. You know it's me.
April, you're such an amazing person..
Creepy gd nite
I knew there was no point in even trying :(
Trying in Wat??
do you regret the time you kicked chen's butt?
No I don't explain
Peter looks like the guy from teen wolf :O
Ok,..Honestly I am a guy.
I think you're are a great person and more but I get very shy around you.
Love your secret admirer <3
Great! Hi jas
Peters is really hot and se*ay agree?
Um I'm not gunna answer that
marry me I want to have babies in Hawaii
Isn't it impossible for 2 women to have birth??? Ahha jks
april I don't like you, I LOVE YOU
I love you 2 jas
Try me mwahahahaha
Oh I will!!
Nice work!! Btw James is a guy at my old Skool he likes me
7a with the cool people like twiggy natasha jasmine amanda
Jasmine I'm gunna kill u!!!
How's Peeta hahaha
It's ummm someone in your clas* hahahaha who is James anyway hahahahaha hahahahaha evil I am evil :P
Wat clas* am I in anyway?
I wish you knew how much I loved you then you might love me back~Guess who?
James u no u get frustrating sometimes
how did you know it was me?
How's kipp
U don't even no him James
don't end it like this :/
I just did james
Its me you adore. Trust me.
It's either kipp or james
you said you didn't have a crush.. my heart is broken :'(
Yeh well people lie mouses have tails and ponies nay
Ur teen maybe younger ur heart can't be broken
Wny does it depend if you love me...I am super lovable. You adore me :')
I adore one person and I doubt it's u
If we had babies they would be se*y ;)
I dreamed about you the other day!
Right ok then... Awks
does it matter who I am if I love you?
Yes well no but I may not love u bk
Do you love me?
Depends who u r
how many kids do you want? ;) (with me)
Um depends who r u??? Jks jks
awww baby I'll kiss you ;) <3 xox
Um who r u?
when do you plan on losing ur virginity?
18+ haven't really thought about it...
when was your first kiss?
would you ever experiment with lesbian?
If I was a guy I'd ask you out ;)
Thx I really wish u were a guy ahha
Im a horse :)
Yes yes u r!!
supre or valleygirl?
Valley girl
do u ever have "erotic" thoughts? ;)
Wat does erotic mean?
Who's foot would u rather lick? Megan, Peter or Mitch?
Hard one can I pick eww!!!
Nice abbs ;)
I'm a girl ...
aww do not listen to what they say stay confident they way you are babe :)
Thx! U 2
Do you have a crush on anyone? and if so who? ;)
No one
who would u rather be stuck in a room with for a week: ash, arlo or lachie?
Def Lachie wait Lachie Campbell?
Was*up chicka babe?
Nm u!!