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mitchell shaw


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37 Replies

You still love Shae

I wouldn't say I love her But I definitely miss what we had after everything she said about my brother and Cody my feelings have basically gone.

mitchjshaw replied 3226 days ago

What cheers you up ?

Talking to her :/

mitchjshaw replied 3252 days ago

I finger bashed your x missus bro while she stroked my hard **** and put it in her mouth

You missed a word in that (small) and it doesn't bother me mate if she wants to get a name like that then so be it.. She has so much more potential

mitchjshaw replied 3258 days ago

Thoughts on Natalie, Emily and Tori.

If they learnt to keep out of other people's business and learnt how to accept the fact there friend may want to be friends with there X then people might think different of them At this point in time tori and Emily have got them self involved in sht they didn't need to so there on my hate list at the moment and Natalie just needs to not control her friends so much and let her friends be happy and do what they want instead of what she wants them to do...

mitchjshaw replied 3271 days ago 1

Do you care that Shae is being a ****?

I know Shae wouldn't be doing anything silly she's alot better then that..

mitchjshaw replied 3272 days ago

Is your year going great ?

fck no :/

mitchjshaw replied 3281 days ago

Do you miss Shae?

Hmm yeah shes basically turned me inside out.

mitchjshaw replied 3289 days ago

What do you hate about yourself ?

I never did anything to change the way I was after loosing one of my best mates to a tragic motorbike accident and now because of it I lost the love of my life Shae and at this point there is really not a big chance of getting her back wasn't because I treated her badly it was because of the things I seen and now I have to live with these things but if I could ever get Shae back I would because I know I can be the man she wants me to be.. I regret this a lot.

mitchjshaw replied 3299 days ago

What do you want right now ?

For Shae to talk to me :(

mitchjshaw replied 3302 days ago

Thoughts on Emily talbot?

Look don't get me wrong she may be good looking but the only thing that let's her down is she is constantly butting into other peoples problems.. She needs to just stay out of other.peoples business and she also needs to respect people when they are in love even if she doesn't like the fact her friend is in love with someone she hates she needs to either put up with it or leave. Other then that she ain't to bad.

mitchjshaw replied 3302 days ago 2

Shae is a ****ing **** for saying things about Luke. I'll smash her for you.

Hitting her wouldn't solve anything but more pain and **** on my behalf. UUnless she's does or said something to you then leave it please . Im having enough trouble even trying to talk to her let alone people bashing her

mitchjshaw replied 3302 days ago

Um you do realise Shae still loves you so fight for her don't Let her go you idiot. She is just trying to make you jealous Mitchell she wants you to fight for her so don't stop x


mitchjshaw replied 3302 days ago

Do you know how many girls are interested in you ;)

I'm not interested....

mitchjshaw replied 3303 days ago

Wtf happened with you and Shae use two were so cute!!!

Your telling the wrong person sorry :(

mitchjshaw replied 3303 days ago

Thoughts on Zoe McFarlane

She's really pretty and funny. Seems like a really nice girl :)

mitchjshaw replied 3303 days ago