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My first fatherz name is yours. Got it?
Chief Operations Officer at AMT
I dont drink alcohol.
Yea, a lot. But they have to do the same for me cuz i withdraw my care when someone doesnt give me what i deserve. Hope that makes sense, huh?
Size ya chiani?
What question?
Kudya ayi, kuvala ayi, maphunziro eya ndi zina zambiri eya.
As in how?
Nsima ya ndiwo matemba othira tsabola wakambuzi ndi ndiwo therere lokupa.
Ikamaphwekatu. Ikangofika povuta, eish, ndimamunena amene anaiyambitsayo.
Pena. Ndikanyansidwa kwa mtima bii. Apo ayi, i am too too friendly.
I am where i am always found.
Ndi zangatu? Eh, kwambiri.
It is true. Mu 450 anthu oledzera ayi, otopetsa sindiafuna, kananji opempha ndi kutenga zinthu zanga makamaka body spray ndi perfume, ndi sopo ndi sugar! Ndimawauzilatu kuti asabwerenso mawa lake.
I have many. The major ones being Chembo, Twambi and Aggie.
Happiness, contentment, peace, love and being Pauline Mlogeni.
Mmh! Hehe. I hate kuonetsa zosaonetsa and i feel undressed munthu akavala moperewera.
Dresses, my favourites. Skirts, t-shirts, jeans, but never leggings. I hate those %@¤$¥ things.
I learnt a big lesson. Friends are not friends and enemies are not enemies.
August to October 2008
Yea. Wanted that but again, i love writing.
Happy, content and healthy!
That ndine chovuta.