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Why would you love me but then call me a btch?! how would you know where I live.
Already answered this question!
Idk! That I'm gorgeous & really nice!
Sorry I'm not sure of the question!
No where you're coming from! X
HAPPY!!! Because I'm getting new shoes next week.
Hello bell!! Xxx
Healthy, happy & amazing
Well what's not to love! Nah jks um.,. Idk
Tell him because if you know what he really feels about you then you don't have to spend all your life thinking about if he likes you or he might even like you back so you will never know if you don't ask!
You don't have to worry about giving him high epectations everyday!
Idk! Should've talked more a guess!
No problem! X
My nan and pop! ):
Thanks Ellie! ILY SO MUCH. Have no idea who said that LOL! Xox
Who is this ?
PRETTIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD! Miss you so much and are so nice! Need to talk more xox
THANKYOU SO MUCH! You must be so pretty as well xo
I've gone out with someone but never really had a boyfriend! X
No not really but thanks anyway! You're properly TUMBLR as well xo
Idk maybe 600! X
Wi-fi properly! X
MACCAS! Only because I like there drinks xx
No I haven't except my dad !
Thank so much I'm sure your gorgeous as well! Xx
No I don't ! All likes are real xx
10/10 ! Xx
So pretty like OMG! Seems really nice and really good at netball and should talk more! Xx
Love you Jess and I've got to many! Xx
My phone, clothes and heaps of food! <3
Never better! (:
There are no words to describe how much I love her! She is one in a million and I would be lost without her p.s she sometimes fakes injuries to get kratches xo
Netball and basketball!
Try me- Jason Derulo
Polar bear ! Lol
How I treat them I guess!
Idk have got heaps of friends!
I don't really know him that much. He seems like a nice guy and yeah!
Properly chewing my fingers!