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Monique Borgus


Ask me anything....

333 Replies

What are you tired of?


moniqueborgus replied 2963 days ago

Do you have tumblr?

moniqueborgus replied 2963 days ago

What do you not feel like doing today?


moniqueborgus replied 3088 days ago

Send nudes plz

I'd prefer not to, but thanks for the request

moniqueborgus replied 3088 days ago

5 ugliest guys n gals?

Beauty is subjective

moniqueborgus replied 3088 days ago

Your a s l u t

A **** by definition is a woman who has many casual $exual partners. I do not match this description as i am in a monogamous relationship.

moniqueborgus replied 3088 days ago

Tbh you're fcking gorgeous x

Ily anon

moniqueborgus replied 3088 days ago


I regret ever trusting people, people s*ck. People change stories to make themselves look better and throw you under the bus when they practically beg you to do stuff for them. "i'll make it special" - at least i'll always remember that you're a jerk!

moniqueborgus replied 3119 days ago

What do you want for xmas ?

A boyfriend but I doubt that will happen so cash will suffice

moniqueborgus replied 3124 days ago

I approve of your boo*s (can you share some with me?)

Haha, my boo*s are pretty great ????

moniqueborgus replied 3124 days ago

Why are you always half naked in your snaps? You're better than that

Honestly I snap in whatever I'm wearing at the time, lately it's been very warm or I've been wearing less layers but I'll take that under consideration X

moniqueborgus replied 3124 days ago

Why are you always half naked in your snaps? You're better than that

Honestly I snap in whatever I'm wearing at the time, lately it's been very warm or I've been wearing less layers but I'll take that under consideration X

moniqueborgus replied 3124 days ago

Do you think you'll do "Focus and Capture" at Moot? I think it'd be so cool if we were to end up with "1601 v2"!

Haha maybe, I'm not to sure yet :)

moniqueborgus replied 3124 days ago

man nigga are you higher than me right now?

Hahah nah, no smoking for a week, just got my wisdom teeth out

moniqueborgus replied 3125 days ago

juiciest gossip you have, spill!

Brandon Laxton will rim for can of Coke

moniqueborgus replied 3125 days ago