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Monique Quon


ask me whatever

659 Replies

Monique you loose ****

u know it

moniquequon replied 3587 days ago

Top 10 girlfriends xx

Don't have 10 but probably amber coy, hannah lyons, hayley rodger, cinnie showler, ash hynson, and bailey walker

moniquequon replied 3916 days ago 1

why did you have surgery xxx

Kind of a private matter, but if you really want to know then you are more than welcome to inbox me xx

moniquequon replied 3917 days ago

What do you want as a gift from your bf

I swear flowers is all I want

moniquequon replied 3922 days ago

Well I'm beautiful and your not you fool, I joke I joke your beautiful no matter what, love ya kiddo, pumping iron one o one, come gym with me cuzzy we can pump it together, love you bubs have fun with this one hahahahah

HAHAHAHA you're an absolute fool but I love ya

moniquequon replied 3922 days ago

Do you think there's anything wrong with a 15 year old girl dating an 18 year old boy?

I think that it really depends on the cir***stances Girls have a tendency to fall for people harder than boys (which I know isn't always true), but when you're young, there's all these other things you have to deal with such as school, growing up, making the right decisions, and being with an older boy can easily influence you into ****ing up all of those things which you may regret later. But like I said, it all depends on the cir***stances, and if the boy is a good person who isn't going to influence your decisions, then it's fine I guess

moniquequon replied 3922 days ago

What pisses you off the most?

30 second ads at the start of YouTube videos

moniquequon replied 3930 days ago 2

***** as* mother farker hahahaha you know who dis is!!! Nearly 11 months Loser! Love.ya kidddddo
Much love, yeah we are pretty cute annons I will admit but are I don't see why people are so rude to girl that hasn't done **** you

Aw my little **** head! I love you endlessly ***** as* niggaaa❤️❤️❤️ Forever and always

moniquequon replied 3930 days ago

what do you think of jimmy barker? You seem to hate him lol

Well honestly, he's caused so many problems for not only me, but for my relationship with Reece. He cannot seem to shut the **** up for even 5 seconds, and he is always picking on somebody and honestly he just makes himself look ****ing ridiculous

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago 1

I'm extremely worried about you! You've become so different since you've moved to gisborne! All you seem to care about is smoking and drinking, you don't even speak to your old kyneton friends anymore. Wake up to yourself, you've turned into a train wreck

Wow, so first of all, I moved to gisborne seeking change and a better education, and along with that comes adapting to your surroundings, which is something you have to do when you change schools, not knowing anybody, having no friends to start off with and starting completely fresh is hard to do without changing a little, but in my opinion it has been for the better. I am happier and brighter and that's all I wanted to come out of changing schools. Secondly, I drank and smoked before moving to gisborne, but I have never drank excessively, every weekend because it is just not me, none of your business if I did anyway. Third, most of my "friends" from kyneton have not even tried to catch up with me since the move, after I've tried to get in contact with a lot of them. But to the friends who have stuck around, I love you endlessly. I'm not a train wreck anymore, I'm happy. I have a loving and caring boyfriend, and supportive friends and moving to gisborne has been the best decision I have ever made. So f uck you and you're irrelevant opinions, you look ridiculous

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago 2

what's your snapchat?


moniquequon replied 3939 days ago

your so ****ing hot i would love to penetrate your ***hole all the way to south africa

Really don't know what the South Africa part is supposed to imply, but nah not gonna happen dude

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago

How long have you and rhys been together for

11 months on the 14th

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago

You and Reece are legit the cutest!

We do try

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago

Monique I love you

Thanks anon

moniquequon replied 3939 days ago