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maddie twells


125 Replies

If you had to ask God a question what would it be?

why he took my dad away from us

mtwells replied 3755 days ago

I dont know you, and I don't know your life or what you've been through, but youre a beautiful young teenager filled with life and things to look forward to. After highschool, none of this ****s gonna matter. Keep your head up. SmileyFaceSwag

means a lot :$:$)

mtwells replied 3777 days ago

No ones touching maddie, k? Me and my sisters will make sure of that! No ones "beating the **** out of her. Cause no one will touch her got it?

I know who this is❤️ thank you

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

I've already warned him so don't worry


mtwells replied 3781 days ago

you and justin Vaughan better never be seen together or else im gonna beat the living **** out of you.

wtf is wrong with you

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

Hop of maddie, like what the **** did she do to you? Don't kill yourself maddie! Don't even listen to themm, don't let them get to you! There on anon saying ****. Stay strong maddssss<3 always here for you alexiawintoneak

thanks lovely❤️ made me smile

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

You can say don't listen to me all you want but what I am saying is the truth and she's upset because she knows it is XD She's playing innocent, like she always does. She's a lying, selfish, arrogant girl. But she's not my problem:')

you done yet?

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

I know you better then you know yourself, you can say that you haven't done anything but I know that you have but keep lying and playing innocent like always, you know the truth:p

I've heard worse

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

You're very good at lying, you know better then anyone that you've s*cked guys ****s and done more than that but okay;)

really now?

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

you need to kill yourself

do I?

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

Don't listen to that guy :) Caironc


mtwells replied 3781 days ago

Bennett's, Ethans and only God knows whose else's;)

Actually neither of them did so... nice try

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

Nah(; I'm not saying you're a ****, I'm just saying that you've had more nuts in your mouth than a squirrel:')

LOOOL that's actually kinda funny:p and really? like whose?

mtwells replied 3781 days ago

You act so fake all the time and it's so god damn annoying -.- You treat guys like **** and you act all innocent when you're really not and you just manipulate people. You're sick and don't deserve sympathy

LOOL, inbox me and tell me who you are then talk ****.

mtwells replied 3781 days ago


hop off of anon

mtwells replied 3781 days ago