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Siân Hulland


Ask me anything!?

23 Replies

Your song of the day?

Fire and the Flood - Vance Joy

mu5tachio13 replied 3450 days ago

Who would you take a bullet for?

My baby Liv an Izzy, I love them, they're my world

mu5tachio13 replied 3723 days ago

Are you a girl or a boy... ?

Really? I don't have boo*s or anything?! Just because I have short hair and don't wear dresses Dosnt mean I'm a guy seriously stop judging me before yo meet me.

mu5tachio13 replied 3752 days ago

Ur a f uckimg c unt

Well your are a charmer arn't you? I stopped caring what other people thought a long time ago so you can hate somewhere else and take your childish ways with you

mu5tachio13 replied 3763 days ago

Tbh on Ellie jones

She is the best person I have ever met seriously grouse mate just perfect words can't even describe her

mu5tachio13 replied 3789 days ago

Have you ever gone to school without taking a bath?


mu5tachio13 replied 3799 days ago

Luv ya keep fighting babe

Thanks anon luv you 2

mu5tachio13 replied 3813 days ago

Stop lying to everybody you a stupid ***** and a lot of people hate you get a life you stupid **** dumb ****

You know this is what I hate about Qme, social network and people in general. You hear about one thing and think some shot that isn't true ok let me get one thing straight 1. I never told anyone to go kill themselves 2. I didn't make the damn phone call 3. The only time I ever said anything was to Tarra and then yeah we swore but she screamed at me whole phone call and she made the threats 4. I'm not the one who's getting adults to fight my battles for me 5. You obviously don't have the balls to come up to me at school that's why your using this site annonamously! 6. I got a post about me on insta and don't say that never happened cause its in my photos 7. Before you come and say **** get your facts straight 8. I don't know and I don't really care but I don't need your s.hit right now I have other problems 9. Everything I say I can do I don't make false s.hit up that I won't do and I certainly don't call up people to start **** 10. THE PHONE CALL WASN'T FROM ME! 11. If your gunna say this shot call me or say it in person cause the magority of the people who say **** on social media won't say it to my face 12. I don't really care if people hate me I have some bloody awesome friends and they were just trying to stick up for me which wasn't the best idea but my friend pressed the wrong caller ID and it called Mia and my friends just said some random **** as far as I know cause I wasn't even in the house while this happend!

mu5tachio13 replied 3815 days ago 1

What makes people boring?

Not being themselves

mu5tachio13 replied 3880 days ago


My name is Rose, seeking a friend after gone through your profile at qoohme i derive interest to knowing you. write me to my e-mail address ( [email protected] ) I will tell you more about me
yours dearest friend

[email protected]


mu5tachio13 replied 3880 days ago

You are so rude, wonder why everyone hates you they don't want you to come back to wantirna. Why do you have to be so ****ing rude to ppl

You f.uckwit need to grow a pair of balls and come up to me at school or ask with your f.ucking username and the I wonder y people hate me is a joke between me and my friends and if I had a choice I wouldn't have come back to wantirna but guess what d.ickhead ur just gunna have to put up with me and I'm not just rude for the sake of it I'm just rude to f.uckwits like you who bully me on social media and at school and me and my friends joke and say rude s.hit but it's a joke and maybe if their weren't so many a.ssholes I wouldn't have to be so rude to stick up for myself get a life douchebag

mu5tachio13 replied 3884 days ago

What do you s*ck at?


mu5tachio13 replied 3888 days ago

I know who u r know:) emilycrosthwaite

Good for you.

mu5tachio13 replied 3889 days ago

Yay your coming back! Are you gonna be aloud to do singing? Chloe.hamilton

Yep and I'm in your group again yay!

mu5tachio13 replied 3889 days ago

Dumbest thing you've ever heard?

My friends told her aunty that I was moving to Darwin and she said "Darwin that's like all the way in Tasmania." OMG!!

mu5tachio13 replied 3899 days ago