Ask me anything you like anonymously

6 Replies

What's one of the dumbest things you've heard someone say?

Ahhh mfana don't lie that wasn't me ???

muchman01 replied 2571 days ago

What is your New Year's resolution?

Well basically I wanna be the best person I can
#carpe diem

muchman01 replied 2912 days ago

What do u like doing more by yourself?


muchman01 replied 2912 days ago 1

Who would you take a bullet for ?

My kids
If I had

muchman01 replied 2912 days ago 1

What turns you off in a person?

Bad hygiene

muchman01 replied 2913 days ago

What's a big turnoff on the first date?

Bad breath

muchman01 replied 2913 days ago 1