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Montana Hudson


willing to answer questions for candy

64 Replies

raul or emilio sserenaa

Raul, because Spanish boys for the win *cough COLUMN HOD cough*

mudson replied 3392 days ago

do you still watch the outsiders sserenaa

Not as often as I used to, but it's nice occasionally to see my little Greasers c:

mudson replied 3392 days ago

You look alot like my next girlfriend ;)

And you look a lot like the guy I rejected about two seconds from now (: Put on some cologne man, you smell a little desperate x

mudson replied 3421 days ago

y dont you wear your wristbands anymore ?

It is very hot these days, and they will stick to my wrists by sweat and other gross stuff that no one likes. I do still wear the thin black wristband, because that one doesn't ever come off my wrist because of it's sentimental value but the Nirvana, Green Day and Blink-182 ones will stay off for a while.

mudson replied 3428 days ago

snapchat best friends?

Right now I only have one best friend which is Kieren lol. It has that pansy as red heart emoji that's kinda annoying because it never goes away.

mudson replied 3431 days ago

out of the 5sos boys, who do you think you're most like ?

I would say Michael, because he's my spirit animal on so many levels. Love for music, love for food, love for his band, love for all video games, and love for the finer things in life such as: Hoarding random meme collections, drowning out our reality with songs that deserve much more recognition than they get, having an obsession with strange and divinely unattractive animals, beating our lonely selves up with crappy puns and sad-but-funny tumblr punchlines, making completely irrelevant comments about even more irrelevant things, laughing at and/or making innuendos every chance we get, and finding a way to make any situation obscene or dirty with no effort whatsoever. F#ckin love Mikey, and I'm not ashamed of any of the things listed above that we do.

mudson replied 3437 days ago

What types of qoohs will you not answer?

I don't reply to ones that talk about Kieren and I being a cute couple or that we should date because there's way too many of them in my inbox already and I really don't give enough f#cks to answer them all. I also don't reply to anyone who claims my OTPs are fake, or that some of my (gay) idols are straight. I tend not to answer "thoughts" or tbhs because I guarantee that some people will not want to know what I really think of them, and I'd have to lie to spare their feelings. And lying wouldn't make a To Be Honest be very honest now would it. There are other personal topics and opinions I will not share, but otherwise I think I'm fine with answering anything else (:

mudson replied 3437 days ago

u smell really nice o.0

Thank you. That's much better than hearing "You smell like sh!t."

mudson replied 3439 days ago 1

What made you laugh today?

I was talking to one of my friends and we were laughing at how some people say "Why are they called 5 Seconds of Summer when there's only four of them?" And it's really funny when we hear that sort of stuff, and it's the kind of thing you can't get mad at because it's so hilarious. But it escalated to a whole nother level of funny when my friend was like "Some people say that about Blink as well" and it was just too much, I was dead. Like who in their right would think a band had 182 members, it's so stupid, but SO GOD DAMN FUNNY AHHHHHHH

mudson replied 3440 days ago

how do u feel about fake fans of 5sos ?

Everyone can see right through fake fans and most of us just take pity in people like you. So you can pack your fake personality, your mediocre fan account, your pretend devotion and your rehearsed fangirl attacks, and stay where you belong. Don't think you can fake it til you make it, because you can't fake love. You may consider yourself part of the 5sos fans.. but you'll never ever be part of the 5sos family.

mudson replied 3445 days ago

let's kill canola sserenaa

I'll write her name into the Death Note (:

mudson replied 3446 days ago

What are the names of your cactuses? XD

One is called Kitana, named after the badass Princess of Outworld herself #TooBadMileena. And Kitana is a Pachyveria Exotica which is very pretty. I have a Echinopsis Jolly Blossum named Mr. Prickles because he actually looks like a classic cactus and is VERY SPIKEY but cute. Larvesta Oddish Raichu Kabuto (Poke-cact or just Larvesta for short) is a Kalanchoe Hybrid and he has the prettiest flowers ever!! I have a Crassula Capitella "campfire type" that is named Esteban and has a massive flower growing away from him like an arm, which reminds me of that red Spanish dancing lady emoji. The last is an Arizona Snowcap and it's name is Phil. Everyone knows who the Phil was for the inspiration behind that name. I LOVE THEM ALL!

mudson replied 3449 days ago

are u pissed at your 'friends' for not getting you a present like they did for some other ppl

What is the point of getting upset over something so incredibly insignificant compared to REAL problems that I have. Who cares about a birthday gift? A birthday isn't as special to me as it might be to others, and it's not even a surprise that they didn't get me a gift. You're pretty weak I guess if you get offended by not receiving a birthday present... I mean come on, that's such a sh#tty source of negativity that is stupid to cry over.

mudson replied 3451 days ago

you're a hottie

Wait people still use the word "hottie"? WHOA

mudson replied 3452 days ago

Secret crush?

SECRET EXPOSED: Not at the moment (:

mudson replied 3454 days ago