When's your birthday?
23rd Sep
Are you in a relationship?
yes w food
Your favourite colour ?
Black and Green
What does your name mean ?
Sweet honey
Who is your favorite person and why?
TYRAAA, bc she's simply amazingly funny
If you could reach into any movie and pull something out, what would you take?
Clay jensen .
What little thing pisses you off greatly?
Chewing out aloud
What grade are you in
Grade 11
ashton ?
the annoying soul that annoyed me the whole of this year?
What are you good at ?
What makes you happy to be alive?
Food , family , friends
Alliteration right there ?
What or who , do you think about the most ?
Fridge , definitely FRIDGE
How are you feeling right now?
Pretty confident x
What makes you instantly hate someone?
What was the last movie you watched ?
Now you see me 2
What are you obsessed with right now?
w/ my fridge
What do you feel like eating ?
Chocolate pudding