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Myraaaa :\)


Asssk meee :')

42 Replies

Your biggest wish ?

To get away with everything I do

myrahatata replied 3738 days ago

Uce i dont have to come off anon if i dont want to, you two are both ugly anyways so shut the **** up

Uce? Aha niqqa pleeasee fk off why dont you?... and as a matter of fkn fact my girl isnt ugly, shes actually really pretty but me lol dw and you on the other hand, your the ugly person who started all this **** you dum ****wit so FK OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!!!!!!!!!!

myrahatata replied 4010 days ago


i know ayeee fkn dumb ****s these days-.-

myrahatata replied 4010 days ago

HAH! pretty sure u cant even touch me, ill **** u and ur girl up, dont mess with me, wait till i see u ****, ill make sure that i send u to hospital and ur girl aswell, she can have a **** no one like anon's anyways, maybe the ***** should come off anon.

Just saying but your so lucky i have jesus, because right this very moment hunny thats what you need, someone to knock some sense in to your dumbass. I clearly said before no one and i mean no one is hurting me or my girl! now do me a favour, **** off and hate on someone else, oand oh yeah just to let you know, your also on anon, so why dont you come off you shady *****.

myrahatata replied 4017 days ago

well Myra whoever 'maaii gurl' is tell her to shut the **** up, before i smack her face up!!!

'Maaii gurl" is one of my main priorities in my life, ill stick with her through anything, ill be here for her everyday of her teen life, you smack her even once, or dear try touch her ill make you regret yeh? dont go fkn bringing my girl into it, she has a right to stick up for me, if thats what she wants to do then she can, just because you cant shut your fkn mouth m8! dont touch my girl,thakyou very much.****.

myrahatata replied 4017 days ago

Stfu, you dont know the story behind myra&deevon yeah, and dont go saying **** when you know it aint true. Fkn as*.

Maaii gurl? :*

myrahatata replied 4017 days ago

Deevon dont like you at all thats why he blocked you, he didnt care about you and he never will.When are you going to realise that the guys you date are only saying yes so it makes them feel good, then they break your heart and do it over and over again to you

I insist that you go fk yourself m8

myrahatata replied 4018 days ago

do yah miss me

who are youu?

myrahatata replied 4018 days ago

top 5 boys and girls in order?

Boys Josh <3 Dee- i miss him ...-.- Reece mah bby James Bj Girls Chantelle Vante Oli Courtney Shweta :')

myrahatata replied 4018 days ago

Whats with all the hate your getting?do i need to kill someone :D

ive got this :')

myrahatata replied 4018 days ago

you guys who were giving myra hate and and still are, its just wrong.

is this who i sent the link to? :')

myrahatata replied 4018 days ago

row row row your hoe up n down the strre merily merily merily merily your just a pecie of meat

LOL i really feel like throwing a big fat dictionary at your face.

myrahatata replied 4203 days ago


big words for a small person, take it nd& shove it up your a*s Bit**

myrahatata replied 4215 days ago

f***ING why can you shut your big mouth up?? no wonder why you have haters ****

nigga pleasshh!! does it look like i give a flying f*** about my haters?? no so gap it bruh!

myrahatata replied 4215 days ago

OMFG i really cant believe you... -.-

what did i do know??

myrahatata replied 4215 days ago