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Ask me interesTING QUESTIONS COME ON :~)

1.6k Replies

Are you still a drug addict?

Nah man. My life has completely turned around. I've been living with my boyfriend for a year and I'm currently looking for a house to rent with my bestfriends and I finally just got a job. Does that sound like a drug addict?

naddddles replied 2992 days ago

Have a ever had $exual feelings for tamika?

No, I haven't.

naddddles replied 3206 days ago

Really???........I know you haven't been with him that long. Surely you must remember what position you like before him....yeah????

I've been with him since febuary. I like many positions with Brendan, and it's all good. Now stop sending me these questions and fck off.

naddddles replied 3268 days ago

Honestly, you don't remember your $ex life before Brendan?

Of course i remember it but I don't want too nor do I need to bring it up.

naddddles replied 3268 days ago

ok, what about before Brendan?

I don't remember.

naddddles replied 3269 days ago

favourite position?

With Brendan, doggy :~)

naddddles replied 3269 days ago


I'd like to think so. When I was single; guys kept coming back, so I guess that means I was good, and now that I'm in a relationship, my boyfriend never complains. He's very satisfied :)

naddddles replied 3270 days ago

Best compliment you ever received ?

Below is pretty gr8

naddddles replied 3273 days ago

I have always wanted your body, even before you had lost the weight. I am so damn proud of you for losing the weight but to me, you were $exy as fck then and you are $exy as fck now. #themlusciouscurves #addictedtoyourass

Hahaha! This makes me so happy. Thanks so much, you're a sweetheart :) I still have plenty of chub! I want to lose more but I'm also kinda happy with where I'm at. :3

naddddles replied 3273 days ago

What's your favourite thing in the world?

Falling asleep next to my boyfriend in his arms every single night. :3

naddddles replied 3277 days ago

I know, but a guy can fantasize, right? #oooooohhhhhh

Sure but fantasies are meant to be just that, fantasies. To yourself. Especially when you know the person you fantasize about wants nothing to do with you in that way. Ever.

naddddles replied 3277 days ago

I know, just..................damn, hehehehehehe


naddddles replied 3277 days ago

Oh the things I would love to do with you if I got the chance

Well I'm sorry but you'll never get that chance. x

naddddles replied 3278 days ago

A$$ pics FTW ;)

There are two butt pics on Insta lol :~)

naddddles replied 3279 days ago

HAHA Ouch, don't even want to think about papercuts in the nether regions

Neither lmao

naddddles replied 3282 days ago