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oh bby only if i knew who u are
omfg rofl thnx
good kid, better treat the lady right
yeah hes awesome fuk yeah
we used to be closer but still love her :)
no hahhahhhaha too many fck boys.
she's so gay. wanka
such a nice boy! can keep a conversation going which is great. but yeah top kid.
beautiful gal. so nice and could get to know her better though. x
id give you my thoughts but you're on annon..
nice gal, don't talk much but yeah. :)
seem like a really nice girl. don't talk but yeah seem like a fun gal. :)
miss you quite a lot! you never talk to me anymore but oh well, you're a grouse kid and ya ilay.
missed her so much, glad were talking again. such a great girl. xx
nice to know what people think of me.
miss her a lot. we used to be so close, i dunno what happened. but she's great and love her.
such a nice girl, could get to know her a bit better though
Sorry I have a bf.
he is pretty great.
gonna be a brilliant deb partner, luv jsincs.
one of my best mates! can always trust him with anything. endless love lukey xx
absolute dumb ****
hahahah ma bae
oh please.
didn't cross my mind at all ;)
i already have one
**** off ranga
aww, i actually thought you hated me hahahah.
wow, haven't spoke or seen her in ages. tbh didn't think she liked me that much. but funny gal and yeah. :)
such a lovely girl, so pretty! should talk more. xx
You're hilarious! Hardly speak anymore though and haven't seen ya in a while but Yaaa grouse kid :)
such a lovely boy! used to be pretty close, now hardly talk
ma fav boy. luv ranga.
really nice, so easy to get along with and also really good to be around, so shy tho. hahah :)
seem like a really nice girl, never really got the chance to get to know you well though. x
really nice boy, so respectful. didn't speak for like 2-3 years but yeah, lovely boy. :)
Adorable! Don't talk tho. x
great girl, so pretty! could get to know you a bit better though. xx
they know who they are.
great kid, love him to bits!