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Ask me anything you like...

178 Replies

Whats your addiction?


nataliemccowat replied 3433 days ago


Aha thank you :') x

nataliemccowat replied 3436 days ago

What is the most expensive thing you own ?

I have no idea :')

nataliemccowat replied 3442 days ago

I miss you ):

I would miss you if I knew who you are

nataliemccowat replied 3443 days ago

I wanna fu ck you so bad feel your ***** around my **** is my dream I'm gonna fu ck your face till you gag and I *** down your throat and all over your face

The only reason I'm replying to this is so I can show people how sleezy you are :')

nataliemccowat replied 3443 days ago

Your actually Gorgeous like fu ck I just want you to be mine already ):

I actually have no idea who you would be.. But thank you? Aha

nataliemccowat replied 3444 days ago

Please tell me who you like!?

Nah look, I don't have feelings for anyone anymore I have to much on right now I can't get the right head space, although theres someone that makes me happy and I'm great full his in my life

nataliemccowat replied 3444 days ago


You ;)

nataliemccowat replied 3444 days ago

Do you like anyone? haha

Aha yes, yes I do :p

nataliemccowat replied 3445 days ago

Why people so jelly! If only little kids, we're more concerned about their own lives! And stopped bullying u! At least u say how it is! if people call u a bike run their fat A$$ over with it! when u all grow up and become adults it will be all behind u!

Who are you :') inbox me

nataliemccowat replied 3445 days ago

Hey hun, why do you hang around with the wrong crowd? Well you move around a lot with friends I've been watching you at school lately and you jump from friend group to friend group? Why?

Why have you been watching me.. Wtf and I just get sick of humans :')

nataliemccowat replied 3445 days ago

What do you first notice in a guy?

Looks : his smile or eyes Personality : if his nice but can still have banter

nataliemccowat replied 3445 days ago

Why are these twats ****ing around with you. I don't understand they must be jealous as **** if they say so much **** about you. I think I hear something new about you every day. Its wrong.

Haha I don't know and yeah you probably do everyone hears stuff about me but love me or hate me you're still thinking of me I don't care about it all thank you but

nataliemccowat replied 3568 days ago

Um excuse all you rude and innapropriate swines, leave Natalie and her beautiful self alone! Your just jealous cuz she can get guys, unlike you! & she ain't no bicycle thanks xxilys babe kiaramckercher1

Thanks baby girl! Dynamic duo right here babe. Love you too. xoxo

nataliemccowat replied 3742 days ago 1

Bacchus marsh bicycle, how are you?

It's kinda impossible for people to 'ride' me but nice try

nataliemccowat replied 3745 days ago