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Ask me anything! Xx

34 Replies

Thoughts? JRowe3Votes

Nice guy, funny and cute(:

natalietodaro replied 3685 days ago 1

**** balls xx

Star balls?x

natalietodaro replied 3685 days ago

Have you ever had feelings for a friend?


natalietodaro replied 3687 days ago

Money or Love ?

Love <3

natalietodaro replied 3690 days ago

Who was your childhood best friend?

Maria Papoutsis <3

natalietodaro replied 3692 days ago

Last time you cried?

About a week ago..ish

natalietodaro replied 3696 days ago

Do you like Nat or Natalie more?

Probably Nat because my friends and family call me Nat and it's shorter. No one really calls me Natalie except when they're angry at me :')

natalietodaro replied 3697 days ago

Thoughts? Rbatres2199

Nice guy, good to talk to and you s*ck at basketball :P I don't know why you want to head butt me though :')

natalietodaro replied 3699 days ago

Thoughts x Tyson296

You sent this 5 days ago? Ahah :P We've been closer before but we're slowly getting back there again. :) You actually know how to keep a convo and we have good laughs. I still don't know when you got so good at basketball but I like taking credit for your shots ;) Yeah, that's all chicken hawk x

natalietodaro replied 3699 days ago

Favourite car?

I don't know much about cars :/ can someone help me? :3

natalietodaro replied 3700 days ago

Inbox me sometime

I totally would if.. you weren't on anonymous.

natalietodaro replied 3703 days ago


That was a **** game.

natalietodaro replied 3703 days ago

What upsets you?

When I put a lot of trust and effort into a friendship, start to feel like I have a really good bond with the person and then realise they never even thought of me as a friend.

natalietodaro replied 3704 days ago

What is your weakness?

Man this has to be puppies.

natalietodaro replied 3706 days ago

hey bailz.22

Heey :3

natalietodaro replied 3712 days ago