Visit this profile later to see if your question was answered.
Great bloke! No one could dislike the kid and he's a fellow subway rep ;)
Pistol great talent ;) no comment on his standards though...
Something good and successful
Nato* I dunno what do you think?
Squizzy Taylor absolute champ of a bloke! Always has a story to tell
All legends! Been mates for a while now and all get along really well never had a disagreement or anything!
Already did this
Became friends through the formal too very nice
Don't really know her but seems nice
Nicest and funniest girl used to go on the same bus but not anymore
Very nice girl and also very pretty! Became friends through the formal
Aw tacita is a beautiful girl so so nice now ;) used to be mean but not anymore ;)
Both single on valentines day as far as I know...
In private I will
My thoughts are you're talking smack
Luv all dem
Looks must run in the family then
Too many to even name!
Kate Jeffery, Sam tricarico, Loren fifoot, Chloe George couple of others don't really know them that well tbh!
Buckets Bradaric
Look there's a few to be honest
Not tellin
Well I'm getting paid $100-200 if I don't curse by year 12
His hair is like the top of a pineapple, he loves the nickname
I get way too much of it and probably should be doing it at the moment
Eliza, Sophie, Meg, Taylah I'm sure I'm missing some
A little shy don't reveal yourself much
I guess you are
Jono "Fab Legs" Odgers. Known for his great grabs and worship of Sir. Warwick Capper
Answered recentlh
Michael Reidy, tall, blonde hair, blue eyes, body of a god, truly a marvel to look at
Today! Also valentines day so he'd be expecting a few presents tonight ;)
You can make money out of not cursing so it's a great thing
There's a few! Luke Bradaric, Zane Thorne, Jamie "pineapple" Damchev, Bam Seks (Sam Beks), etc. just from Notre
Funniest and best chick ever! Every day was funny with her in year 7-9!
What year would this be?
Strawberry - grouse call
I couldn't tell you because I haven't posted my link anywhere!
I don't think she is actually
I think your spelling of her name is guilty
Cats for sure dogs are **** animals altogether
Depends who you rate
Not Kate Jeffery x there's a few from Notre don't really know any from other schools
Which school would this be?
Would love to be a professional sports person but that's very unlikely haha um something to do with health and sports like a physio or osteo
Clara Cantlin, Tearnie Brown I really don't know many more
Too many to name honestly!
If you inbox me I can tell you more
Don't many tbh but Em for sure x x
Well I guess if you knew me you wouldn't be asking this question
Yeah I like you
I will ;)
Thanks anon xx
No you are ;)
Well I bowl smoke so I'd have to say me
Dunno, depends who it is
Thanks so do you xx
Actually I don't
Thanks I get that a lot
Well if I knew who you were...
That made my night thanks xx
Hahahahahaha omg she's a nice lady I'm sure
She is will's forever
1. You 2. Another person 3. Someone else 4. Fourth hottest person 5. Me
North end rep
He's a f*****
Yeah Gretta is a top chick
And what's my fortune?
Would love to know who you are! Plz inbox me
Bloody oath i do. I've been told I'm the best in the whole subway franchise
5 is a small number
When they're on the plate
Yeah I'd say I'm a cat person rather than a dog person
Well lets be honest, have a look at him; who wouldn't want a piece of that?
Wouldn't say I abused her
J. brophy
Well we can become friends
No it wouldn't! Are we friends?
Very very true
I will, I'm inspired by the Big O
Harjit Singh, absolutely ferocious
Inbox me?
They're all good, that's why they play rep!
Thanks man
Absolute champ, star of the sdjfl
Cause it's personal
Probably donchaaaa cause he's a vic superstar ;)
Probably better to ask her tbh
Well there's too many to name
It's not that easy sorry